Posts tagged Language
Teachers’ Views and Experiences on Teaching Second and Subsequent Programming Languages

In this episode I unpack Tshukudu et al.’s (2021) publication titled “Teachers’ views and experiences on teaching second and subsequent programming languages,” which “understand computing teachers’ views and practices on the use of transfer strategies in teaching second and subsequent programming languages” (p. 297).

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Exploring (Dis)Ability and Connecting with the Arts with Jesse Rathgeber

In this interview with Jesse Rathgeber, we discuss what educators should know about (dis)ability culture and research, person-first language vs identity-first language, suggestions for combating ableism through anti-ableist practices, how the arts and CS can come together and learn from each other (great for sharing with arts educators who might be interested in CS), and much more.

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Situated Language and Learning with Bryan Brown

In this interview Bryan Brown, we discuss the importance of language in education. In particular, we discuss the role of language in teaching and learning, discursive identity, situated language and learning, the importance of representation in education, the role of language on stress, how smartphones and virtual communication platforms (e.g., Zoom) could change learning, and many other topics relevant to CS education and learning.

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