Teachers as Curriculum Co-designers: Supporting Professional Learning and Curriculum Implementation in a CSforAll RPP Project

In this episode I unpack Ni et al.’s (2022) publication titled “Teachers as curriculum co-designers: Supporting professional learning and curriculum implementation in a CSforAll RPP project,” which shares results of an RPP where teachers collaboratively designed an app development curriculum that they implemented in their classrooms.

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Open Way Learning with Ben Owens

In this interview with Ben Owens, we discuss Ben’s transition from working as an engineer to working in K-12 education, opensource as a metaphor for teaching and learning, various stakeholder reactions to opensource resources and learning, bridging the gap between out-of-school and in-school learning, iterating on teaching and learning, and so much more.

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Teaching Over One Million Students with CS50's Carter Zenke

In this interview with Carter Zenke, we discuss Carter’s pedagogical approach that centers playfulness, creativity, and purpose; lessons learned teaching CS50 to over one million students; balancing free exploration with learning content; designing opportunities for getting into CS; the benefits of watching recordings of your own teaching; helping educators find their “why”; and so much more.

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Scaling Professional Learning for Equitable and Inclusive Computer Science Teaching

In this episode I unpack Martin et al.’s (2022) publication titled “Scaling professional learning for equitable and inclusive computer science teaching,” which is an experience report that shares lessons learned from three iterations of scaling professional development around equitable and inclusive CS education.

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The Pulse of PBL with Mike Kaechele

In this interview with Mike Kaechele, we discuss dismantling prejudices through projects, how to situate project-based learning within the community and for local impact, what can be learned when a project fails, the difference between projects and recipes, why social and emotional learning (SEL) is important, lessons learned teaching a variety of subject areas, differences between equity and equality in education, and so much more.

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Project moveSMART: When Physical Education Meets Computational Thinking in Elementary Classrooms

In this episode I unpack Fritz et al.’s (2021) publication titled “Project moveSMART: When physical education meets computational thinking in elementary classrooms,” which summarizes pilot study findings and activities that integrate CS/CT with physical education through a micro:bit.

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Accessibility and Inclusion in CS Education with Maya Israel

In this interview with Maya Israel, we discuss Maya’s shift from special education into CS education, the importance of universal design for learning (UDL) in CS classes, understanding the spectrum of accessibility for students with a diverse set of needs, the current status of accessibility and inclusion within the field of CS education, problematize deficit framings of students with disabilities, and so much more.

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Breaking the Code: Confronting Racism in Computer Science through Community, Criticality, and Citizenship

In this episode I unpack Yadav and Heath’s (2022) publication titled “Breaking the code: Confronting racism in computer science through community criticality, and citizenship,” which articulates some biases in CS curricular design and pedagogy, then provides three suggestions for teaching CS as an agenda for social reconstruction.

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