Teachers’ Views and Experiences on Teaching Second and Subsequent Programming Languages

In this episode I unpack Tshukudu et al.’s (2021) publication titled “Teachers’ views and experiences on teaching second and subsequent programming languages,” which “understand computing teachers’ views and practices on the use of transfer strategies in teaching second and subsequent programming languages” (p. 297).

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A DREAM job with Addison Lilholt

In this interview with Addison Lilholt, we discuss Addison’s DREAM job, the importance of students having fun through meaningful learning experiences, lessons learned from remote teaching, the importance of mental breaks when learning/teaching, recommendations for getting started with CS, the intersections of CS and environmental sciences, creating an arcade cabinet to explore engineering and CS, being open about iterating on abilities as an educator, and so much more.

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Computational Thinking for an Inclusive World: A Resource for Educators to Learn and Lead

In this episode I unpack Mills et al.’s (2021) publication titled “Computational thinking for an inclusive world: A resource for educators to learn and lead,” which is a white paper that provides strategies for integrating CT into disciplinary learning for for developing capacity for computational thinking.

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Problematizing Deficits with Sara Vogel

In this interview with Sara Vogel, we discuss changes in CS education since Sara was last on the podcast, the impact of COVID on learning, some of the problems with computational thinking, the importance of modifying curricula to make it more culturally and historically responsive, deficit language and racism around bilingual students, the importance of understanding translanguaging pedagogies, what apprenticeship and joint work can look like in education, and much more.

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Intersections of Cultural Capital with Kimberly Scott

In this interview with Kimberly Scott, we discuss some of the problems with discourse around grit, students as techno-social change agents, teaching with culturally responsive approaches in communities that are hostile toward culturally responsive pedagogies, unpacking discourse and Discourse, considering both present and future identities when teaching, potential disconnects between theory and practice with intersectional work, comforting the disturbed and disturbing the comforted, and so much more.

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The Subservient, Co-equal, Affective, and Social Integration Styles and Their Implications for [Computer Science]

In this episode I unpack Bresler’s (1995) publication titled “The subservient, co-equal, affective, and social integration styles and their implications for the arts,” which “examines the different manifestations of arts integration in the operational, day-to-day curriculum in ordinary schools, focusing on the how, the what, and the toward what” (p. 33).

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The Place for Joy in Teaching and Learning with Sara Lev

In this interview with Sara Lev, we discuss the place for joy in teaching and learning, the impact of remote learning on PBL in early childhood, misconceptions around PBL in early childhood, encouraging curiosity by responding to questions with questions, social and emotional learning, the impact of yoga and meditation on teaching, and so much more.

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Exploring CSEdResearch with Monica McGill

In this interview with Monica McGill, we discuss the nuances of identities in relation to conversations around equity, the importance of having many pathways in CS, designing games for purposes beyond pure entertainment, codeveloping CS courses with students, how researchers and K-12 practitioners can use CSEdResearch.org, our thoughts on bridging the gap between research and practice, opportunities for the field to continue to grow, the influence of outside forces on K-12 education, and so much more.

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Impact of the Plugged-in and Unplugged Chemistry Computational Thinking Modules on Achievement in Chemistry

In this episode I unpack Chongo, Osman, and Nayan’s (2021) publication titled “Impact of the plugged-in and unplugged chemistry computational thinking modules on achievement in chemistry,” which investigated achievement outcomes between a chemistry unit in three groups: 1) chemistry classes integrated with Scratch projects, 2) chemistry classes integrated with both unplugged and Scratch projects, and 3) chemistry classes with no focus on computational thinking.

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STEM Diversity and Inclusion Efforts for Women of Color: A Critique of the New Labor System

In this episode I unpack Scott and Elliott’s (2020) publication titled “STEM diversity and inclusion efforts for women of color: A critique of the new labor system,” which uses the metaphor of sharecropping to problematize the new labor system around STEM education and careers.

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Open Design for Learning with Aria Chernik

In this interview with Aria Chernik, we discuss student-centered engagement situated within authentic contexts, problems with focusing entirely on capitalistic purposes of education, using critical pedagogies to problematize power dynamics in the classroom, using an open design for learning, the phenomenology of collaboration, creating a space that encourages taking risks in education, and much more.

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James Fester on What Works with PBL

In this interview with James Fester, we discuss using informal learning approaches within formal learning spaces, what makes a learning experience engaging, how James’ experience in the National Parks Service’s Teacher Ranger Teacher program informed how he taught in the classroom, unpacking nuances of project-based learning, debunking common misconceptions of PBL, and so much more.

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Broadening Gender in Computing for Transgender and Nonbinary Learners

In this episode I unpack Menier, Zarch, and Sexton’s (2021) publication titled “Broadening gender in computing for transgender and nonbinary learners,” which is a position paper problematizes the current lack of trans and nonbinary individuals in discourse around gender in CS education.

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