"I Can't Read, But I Can Code": Using Puppets to Teach C++ to Pre-readers: A Quasi-experimental Critical Phenomenological Mixed Methods Case Study [April Fools]

[This episode was a friendly April Fools prank about a fake paper I created] In this bonus episode I unpack Rollerstein’s (2021) publication titled “‘I can't read, but I can code’: Using puppets to teach C++ to pre-readers: A quasi-experimental critical phenomenological mixed methods case study” which investigated the use of puppets to teach C++ to pre-readers in pre-K CS classes.

  • Welcome back to another episode of the

    CSK8 podcast my name is jared o'leary

    now this episode is releasing on a

    thursday so this is actually a bonus

    episode and this is the second bonus

    episode i've ever done

    interestingly enough i happen to share

    the other bonus episode on the exact

    same date one year ago

    so the reason why i'm sharing this

    particular bonus episode is because i

    was reading this paper and i was like i

    need to share this as soon as possible

    so this particular bonus unpacking

    scholarship episode is on the paper


    quote i can't read but i can code colon

    using puppets to teach c

    plus to pre-readers colon a

    quasi-experimental critical

    phenomenological mixed methods case


    and this paper was written by ricardo

    rollerstein and it was written in the

    applied programming readers

    international ledger volume

    is available for free

    and you can find that in the show notes

    by clicking on the title for the paper

    or by clicking on the author's name and

    you can find some more

    papers that this particular author wrote

    so make sure you click on the link

    in the particular app that you're

    listening to this on or by going to

    jaredlery.com clicking on the cska

    podcast and then

    clicking to sort by bonus episodes

    all right so here's the abstract for

    this paper quote in the united states

    there are hundreds of thousands of open

    computing jobs that are currently


    although the k-12 pipeline can prepare

    students for future careers in computer


    the approaches used in elementary

    classes in particular are often

    decontextualized from industry practices

    for example elementary students often

    use block-based programming languages

    while industry professionals tend to use

    text-based languages given that the fair

    labor standards act

    sets the minimum age for employment in

    non-agricultural jobs at 14 years of age

    this presents an opportunity for

    students ages 14 and older

    to fill current cs positions if they are

    adequately prepared in cs to better

    prepare students for a jump start to

    such opportunities

    this quasi-experimental critical

    phenomenological mixed methods case

    study investigated the use of puppets to

    teach c

    plus to pre-readers in pre-kinder

    classes over the course of a semester

    statistically significant results p of

    lesson 0.01

    from the study indicate that pre-k

    students who listened to a lecture

    pantomime by a puppet

    were able to outperform their peers who

    listened to the same lecture by a

    university professor the results from

    the study demonstrate a promising

    approach for accelerating the cs

    industry pipeline in k-12 context

    end quote all right so if i were to

    summarize this particular paper into a

    single sentence i would say that this

    paper investigated the use of puppets to

    teach c

    plus to pre-readers in pre-k cs classes

    all right so this paper begins with an

    introduction and the author describes

    how do the ever increasing demands for

    more cs professionals k12 schools need

    to better prepare students for work in

    the field of cs

    so rather than taking an approach of

    decontextualized coding practices from

    industry practice

    the author argues that students should

    learn to create with languages and

    platforms commonly used in industry

    settings so in this particular study the


    wanted to investigate the use of c plus

    with visual studio for windows now the

    rationale for this particular language

    and platform was that if we begin

    teaching such languages and platforms to

    pre-k and kindergarten students

    they are better able to develop their

    abilities over 13 to 14 years of

    schooling so think of the 10

    refining practices within one language

    and one platform would allow students to

    potentially skip college

    and possibly even begin working as a cs


    part-time at 14 years of age so this

    differs from other approaches that try

    and scaffold programming languages

    in stages that align with various

    developmental theories so for example

    using icon-based blocks in scratch


    with early and pre-readers then moving

    to block-based languages like scratch

    and then eventually moving to text-based

    languages now the author cites decades

    of evidence to support the idea that

    puppets can be used to teach concepts to


    we're often in the pre or early reader

    stages so for example kids learn letters

    numbers and values

    through tv shows that use puppetry like

    sesame street or the muppets or even

    some advanced concepts such as how the

    united states handles

    geopolitical relationships around the

    world through forms of puppetry like the

    super marionation techniques used in the

    team america right so a quick summary of

    the intro basically the author is saying

    that hey

    instead of waiting until students

    graduate from university

    we could potentially find some ways to

    get it so that we can fill these unmet


    at ages of 14 rather than waiting until

    like ages of 22. and their hypothesis is


    students will be able to learn advanced

    languages and platforms

    if we taunt using puppetry techniques as

    evidenced in some of the

    tv shows and movies or documentaries

    that the author cites all right so the

    next section in the paper is the methods

    section so in this particular study the

    author describes how there were two

    classes of pre-k

    students who were classified as

    pre-readers one class

    spent a semester watching three hour

    long recorded lectures from the authors


    so this was the control group now the

    treatment group used the exact same

    audio and screen recordings as a control


    however instead of displaying the

    university instructor in the corner of

    the screen

    a puppet pantomimed the lecture in the

    bottom corner of the screen

    so the exact same lecture exact same

    screen recording the only difference is

    they replace the university instructor

    with a puppet who would basically open

    the mouth as if they were talking

    and demonstrating stuff in a visual

    studio so the pre-k students would watch

    three-hour lectures each week over the

    course of a semester and the control and

    treatment groups were compared

    with an undergraduate class taking the

    same course at the university

    okay so both the control and treatment

    groups completed all assignments and


    for the cs 101 course because both the

    control and treatment groups consisted

    of pre-readers the author used pre

    and post surveys that included a mixture

    of emoji-based demographic questions

    also included like art scales where they

    circled emojis to indicate like level of

    understanding comfort frustration etc

    and even open-ended response section

    where students were asked to share what

    they learned by drawing pictures so the

    author used chromebox alpha to

    test for internal consistency of the

    likert scale responses among both the

    treatment and control groups

    and found an alpha of 0.93 indicating

    high internal consistency or reliability

    among responses

    the author and multiple graduate

    students coded the open-ended responses

    and found a high enter raider

    reliability with a fleece cap a rating

    of 0.85

    indicating strong alignment now the

    authors also collected the assignments

    and quizzes for the cs101 course at

    their university to compare those

    results with the treatment and control

    groups in the pre-k

    pre-reader groups all assignments and

    quizzes from the control

    treatment and cs101 groups were then

    assigned participant id numbers before

    being anonymously graded by tas for the

    cs101 course

    so this made it so that a ta was unable

    to determine if an assignment or quiz

    was completed by a college student

    or a pre-reader from the treatment or

    control groups

    now this method section is very detailed

    so i highly recommend going and looking

    at the show notes to take a look at

    some of the stuff that i left out in

    this but hopefully i gave you enough

    details to

    share what the basic method was and how

    reliable or valid the results were

    so results from the study indicate that

    the control group failed

    all assignments and quizzes so this is

    the group that did not have the puppets

    they just watched the three-hour

    lectures each week

    now this finding makes sense given that

    these students were pre-readers in a

    pre-k class

    taking an intro to cs course using c

    plus in visual studio however the

    treatment groups

    scored along a bell curve that matched

    the grades of the undergraduate students

    in cs 101

    with absolutely no statistically

    significant deviations from the bell

    curve so in other words

    the group that had the puppet treatment

    or intervention scored along the same

    bell curve

    as the undergraduate class that took the

    cs101 course

    which that's a pretty remarkable finding

    right now interestingly even though the

    treatment group could not read

    they were able to complete coding

    assignments with the same level of

    quality of undergraduate students who

    are at least a decade older than the

    students in the treatment group

    now one of the things i really

    appreciated is the author includes some

    excerpts of the assignments in quizzes

    so we could see

    and compare the three different groups

    the control group the treatment group

    and the

    undergrad cs101 group and i have to say

    the treatment and the 101 i could not

    tell a difference between the

    level of code that students were

    submitting but there was a very clear

    difference with the control group i

    include direct links in the show notes

    to those particular

    excerpts if you want to take a look at

    it now speaking of the show notes i also


    direct links to the open-ended responses

    that the author provided

    so remember the open-ended responses

    were drawings that

    the pre-readers were able to draw to

    kind of demonstrate their understandings

    of what they learned

    when they took the survey so as an

    example one student used a red crayon to

    draw what appears to be a fire truck

    which was coded by the author and the

    tas as a clear example of nested


    which totally makes sense okay so

    another respondent actually

    drew a stick figure person and the

    letters j

    o and a backwards letter e which was a

    misspelling of the child's name

    but the authors note that it clearly

    demonstrated understanding of the

    difference between variables and


    while also challenging the hegemonic

    norms imposed by the social construction

    of alphabets

    so in addition to the surveys and the

    open-ended responses

    and collecting of assignments the author

    did some follow-up interviews with

    students in the treatment group asking

    them to explain their assignment

    submissions and these video recordings

    of these explanations

    are actually linked to in the paper

    itself so it's a playlist with some

    youtube videos and i'll include a link

    to this in the show note

    because i highly recommend going to the

    show notes watching the videos

    in the provided playlist as they made me

    realize that i could have done

    so much more with the k8 kids that i was

    working with if i had tried this

    approach outline in this particular


    all right so here's a quick summary of

    the results itself so the author found

    that the control

    group failed completely whereas the

    treatment group the group that used the

    recorded lectures but had a puppet

    pantomime in things

    they were able to score on par with the

    cs101 undergraduate course which is a

    remarkable finding

    all right so the author in the

    discussion section notes that the

    findings from this study provide a path

    for streamlining the k-12 to cs industry


    by demonstrating how children as young

    as pre-k can begin learning

    undergraduate intro to cs concepts

    if you use this approach and so the

    author closes with the following quote

    on page four

    quote given to the success of using

    puppets to teach c-plus plus to

    pre-readers and pre-k students

    follow-up studies should not only

    investigate the effectiveness of puppets

    in other k-12 and higher education cs


    but in other subject areas as well end

    quote so i think this is very important

    for other cs researchers to investigate

    so i wish i was still in the elementary

    classroom to see if i could teach

    students advanced concepts in other

    subject areas using the techniques

    outlined in this article but maybe

    we could go back and like re-record all

    the videos that i've done with boot up

    and instead of having me in the corner

    explaining how to do stuff in scratch we

    could have a puppet do it so that might

    be the next project that i'll start

    working on

    all right so as always in these

    unpacking scholarship episodes including

    this bonus one

    i like to talk about some of my

    lingering questions or thoughts

    so one of my questions is how might the

    results have differed if the puppets

    were singing the lines of code in a


    rather than speaking the lines of code

    so the reason why i ask this is because


    in these like puppet shows and movies

    and whatnot they're

    not just talking but they're also

    engaging in musicals that teach a

    very specific concept for example on

    team america there is a very specific

    discussion on loneliness

    and some of the problems that come with

    that now if they do this they might need

    to consider singing in falsetto range

    because children

    are able to hear the notes and can sing


    without having to transpose octaves in

    other words the voice that i'm speaking

    right now is like my normal chest voice

    my speaking voice but falsetto would be

    if i talk like this

    so it's using more of like a head voice

    and it's the the voice that i had to use

    when i was teaching elementary kids when

    i was a general music and band


    it was difficult for them to transpose

    from my natural singing voice

    up to their range just because they

    don't have as long of vocal chords

    so if you are interested in implementing

    this technique of using puppets to teach


    perhaps you should try doing a musical

    and then let me know how it goes

    alright so my final question for this

    particular paper is what's a similar

    approach we

    might be able to use with older students

    so in particular i doubt older students

    would want to learn from puppets they

    might think it's too childish

    so i'm wondering if we should do

    follow-up studies that take snippets

    of the pre-recorded lecture and sequence

    them together in tik-tok

    to teach the same concepts using a

    platform that older students are already

    engaging with so think about it we could

    basically be

    engaging in edutainment by simply taking

    out like 20 second excerpts of

    the pre-recorded lecture and then simply

    putting it in a sequence in tik-tok

    and then as people swipe through it

    they're going to be learning advanced cs


    and practices i imagine this would be

    really helpful for

    filling the unmet jobs right now and

    getting more kids interested in computer


    alright so with that that concludes this

    week's episode of the csk8 podcast i

    hope this bonus episode was super

    helpful for you maybe you will consider

    using some of these techniques in here

    but i highly recommend going to the show

    notes and make sure you click on

    any of the links in there whether it be

    the author's last name to see more of

    their publications

    the actual title of the publication to

    go directly to it or any of the

    related links in there such as the

    youtube playlist or the example excerpts


    students code or even the pictures of

    the drawings

    that students submitted in the

    open-ended responses

    they are all extremely interesting and

    so i highly recommend going there

    remember you can find this by going to

    jaredaler.com or by clicking on the

    link in the app that you're listening to

    this on which should take you directly

    to that

    if you enjoyed this particular episode

    please consider sharing it with somebody


    especially on the day that it releases

    otherwise it might not make sense

    and if you don't understand why check

    out the show notes stay tuned for

    another unpacking scholarship episode

    that will release on this upcoming

    monday and the following link which will

    have another interview

    hope you're all staying safe and are

    having a wonderful week


“In the United States there are hundreds of thousands of open computing jobs that are currently unfilled. Although the K-12 pipeline can prepare students for future careers in computer science, the approaches used in elementary classes in particular are often decontextualized from industry practices; for example, elementary students often use block-based programming languages, while industry professionals tend to use text-based languages. Given that the Fair Labor Standards Act sets the minimum age for employment in non-agricultural jobs at 14 years of age, this presents an opportunity for students ages 14 and older to fill current CS positions if they are adequately prepared in CS. To better prepare students for a jump start to such opportunities, this quasi-experimental critical phenomenological mixed methods case study investigated the use of puppets to teach C++ to pre-readers in pre-Kinder classes over the course of a semester. Statistically significant results (p < 0.01) from this study indicate that pre-K students who listened to a lecture pantomimed by a puppet were able to out perform their peers who listened to the same lecture by a university professor. The results from this study demonstrate a promising approach for accelerating the CS industry pipeline in K-12 contexts.”

Author Keywords

C++, industry pipeline, pre-reader, April Fools

My One Sentence Summary

This paper investigated the use of puppets to teach C++ to pre-readers in pre-K CS classes.

Some Of My Lingering Questions/Thoughts

  • How might the results have differed if the puppets were singing the lines of code in a musical rather than speaking the lines of code?

  • What's a similar approach we might be able to use with older students?

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