New podcast format starts today
[This episode was a friendly April Fools prank about changing the show’s format] A quick announcement of some upcoming changes to the podcast.
It's weird how every year I seem to
release a bonus episode on the same date
but as most of you know I have a side
hustle as the novelist of the creepy
School clowns series which currently has
seven books in The New York Times
best-selling series while I want to
continue to share research and
perspective on computer science
educations it's taking up a lot of my
time away from the gaming and drumming
content I create on my website so I thought in order to
save some time I would try and combine
the novel writing that I've been doing
with the podcast so by weaving in some
discussions around Computer Science
Education Into The Narrative of the
eighth book in my Series so starting
tomorrow I'll be releasing daily
episodes of the csk8 podcast which will
now stand for the creepy School clowns
book eight because I'm a progressive
author and artist each episode will
consist of a single word read by a voice
actor or actress this pacing and
Outsourcing will not only allow me to
save some time but it will leave the
listeners on a daily Cliffhanger to make
you want to listen to The Following
episode and I kind of share with your
friends and your Social Circles what
word you think will release on the next
day I think this will help Inspire even
more people to want to become computer
scientists what's really cool is that
when the book is complete you'll be able
to listen to the YouTube playlist of
this podcast on shuffle to ryzomatically
explore the story one random word at a
time now I'm gonna be a bit of a tease
and leave you on a cliffhanger with a
voice actress who's going to read the
first word in the new podcast series
Resources/Links Relevant to This Episode
Other podcast episodes that were mentioned or are relevant to this episode
[This episode was a friendly April Fools prank about a fake paper I created] In this bonus episode I unpack Rollerstein’s (2021) publication titled “‘I can't read, but I can code’: Using puppets to teach C++ to pre-readers: A quasi-experimental critical phenomenological mixed methods case study” which investigated the use of puppets to teach C++ to pre-readers in pre-K CS classes.
[This episode was a friendly April Fools prank where the entire podcast was an abstraction] In this episode I unpack author’s (year) publication titled “title colon subtitle,” which summary in a single sentence.
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