Suggestions for Starting or Expanding Your Program with Dianne O'Grady-Cunniff

In this interview with Dianne O'Grady-Cunniff, we discuss some suggestions for starting or expanding your program, as well as other topics for novice and veteran CS educators.

  • Welcome back to another episode of the

    csk8 podcast my name is Jared O'Leary

    this week's episode I interviewed Diane

    O'Grady Kenneth Diane works at the

    Maryland Centre for computing education

    and has experience working in high

    school settings as well as collegiate

    levels in our discussion we're going to

    not only talk about advice for new and

    veteran CS educators but we're also

    going to talk about how you can

    potentially start or expand your program

    in your class school or district as

    always the show notes will link to some

    of the stuff we're talking about for

    example Diane mentions the scripts

    program that cs4 all runs which is a

    fantastic program that I recommend and I

    have a direct link to that inside the

    show notes as well as some other links

    as well and you could find those show

    notes by clicking in the link in your

    app wherever you are listening to this

    or by just visiting Ghirardelli recom

    where there's nothing for sale and now

    we're gonna begin the interview with

    Diane introducing herself of Diana Grady

    Kenneth and I'm the director for the

    Maryland Center for computing education

    and we're a center that just started as

    part of the University System of

    Maryland last year when we got funding

    from Larry Hogan who's our governor here

    in Maryland who's one of the governors

    for computer science he tell me the

    story of how you got into computer

    science education sure I got my computer

    science degree back in the 80s so I'm

    dating myself I talked and worked in the

    computing center there as an

    undergraduate the people there were

    fantastic definitely made me love what I

    was doing and then they hired me at the

    University right after I graduated

    because they were desperate for people

    to teach computer science courses I

    didn't stay there long because I moved

    around a lot I always had and I always

    found some place to teach and work for

    computer science either doing Network

    administration teaching at community

    colleges there just seemed to be ongoing

    opportunities I finally ended up

    teaching in a public high school when I

    was kinda shocked by three things the

    first one was the lack of diversity in

    the classes the second was how likely

    computer science was to disappear off

    the course offering lists because of

    different factors and the third one was

    what you really deal with in a public

    school classroom as far as you're almost

    more of a babysitter than a content


    and compared to teaching at the

    university level and that was a lot to

    learn but I learned a lot from peers and

    especially learned a lot when we formed

    our own CSC a Maryland chapter with some

    university people and a bunch of other

    lonely and desperate souls because we

    all realized that computer science might

    not stick around if we didn't actually

    do something about it and working on the

    update in 2010 for the CSTA k12

    standards really helped me see that the

    bigger picture of what was going on so I

    really got into CS education at that

    point yeah and your point about working

    in public schools in it how it's

    different from higher ed I just like to

    kind of reiterate that real quick I'm

    fortunate and then I've worked with

    every grade K through graduate and it's

    so different when you're working with

    people who are paying a lot of money to

    be in your class versus people who are

    forced to be there you just have to take

    that into account in terms of not

    everyone's gonna be interested in in

    whatever subject you're doing exactly

    it's just a whole different way of

    presenting things a whole different way

    of you know in university people are

    like grateful that you have distilled

    something into a meaningful piece that

    they can relate to and in high school

    they're like why are you telling me this

    yeah I sometimes wish that more college

    professors would have classroom

    experience in the k-12 to better

    understand computer science education

    research in particular because it's just

    night and day different or at least it

    can be totally so can you tell me a

    story about an experience in education

    that continues to impact you today yeah

    I thought about that there's really I

    think two things that were kind of

    formative for me and the first was in

    third grade we read a story about this

    kind of computer assisted individualized

    learning scenario for the future and I

    was like yeah that's it

    you know why shouldn't I be learning

    what I'm ready to learn instead of what

    everybody else is learning and direct it

    to what my interests are and then the

    second thing was homeschooled my kids

    for a number of years and we worked with

    other groups and everything we did was

    inquiry based and project based and

    learning just lasted you know you

    learned what you needed to learn and you

    used it and it just seemed kind of

    natural when I worked at the University

    I did work with some of the projects to

    develop online learn

    modules and to realize how much goes

    into creating those personalized

    learning experiences with all the ifs

    and then and yep Wow didn't know that in

    third grade so what's something you

    believe when you first began working in

    education that you no longer believe so

    I think one of the biggest things that I

    believed in the beginning was this idea

    that change could happen quickly it can

    in private schools and it can in

    universities you know you can have a lot

    of agency to say hey I want to do this

    and people say okay go do it but it's

    sort of this one on one thing for this

    institutional change somebody somewhere

    along the way you know gave us that line

    about this is a marathon not a sprint

    and it did take me years to really

    believe and understand how much that's

    true just got to keep chipping away

    chipping away chipping away don't walk

    away cuz you could lose the progress you

    made what kind of advice might you give

    to new CSS yeah for the new people we

    keep pushing this idea of being the lead

    learner and I think that's super

    important just be willing to give it a

    try so many people discover this is

    something they do like and they do have

    a talent for once they get there and so

    hope that that's the case but this isn't

    just a once and done thing you've got to

    keep learning yeah pedagogy and content

    right there's a wonderful things

    happening in this area all the time barb


    just did a talk this week about how the

    value of Carson's problems ties into

    student learning and retention and about

    near peer learning through giving

    everybody a multiple choice question and

    then discussing the answer together

    before you decide what the answer is and

    you know they're starting to do some

    different kinds of research in computer

    science that comes out of what they

    already know and other kinds of

    education is there's just so much to

    learn content wise pedagogy wise and

    just remind yourself keep learning yeah

    in your comment about doing research

    that's already known in other subject

    areas so it's actually something I

    talked about in a podcast that hasn't

    released yet that one of the biggest

    recommendations that I gave is to read

    outside of your subject area hmm so if

    you're computer science educator read

    stuff in other content areas and just

    read stuff outside of Education in

    general you can learn a lot that you can

    apply in

    classroom oh yeah yeah podcasts and

    different things too little two-minute

    stories yeah so how might your advice

    change if our asks you what kind of

    advice would you give for a veteran si s

    educator I think that's really that

    thing about just keep learning I mean

    that's that's really the advice for this

    for new end veteran and then would it be

    the same for teachers who are interested

    in integrating CS or CT but aren't

    necessarily doing it full-time no

    because what I'm thinking with the

    people I work with that are trying to do

    the integration is it really helps if

    you start small yeah that's possible if

    somebody's not you know dumping a whole

    stuff on your head and you just have to

    swim through it but you know keep trying

    to just kind of push outside the box and

    you know think about it math is

    computing we are computing technology so

    you know there's all these connections

    just because the way that we teach

    English language arts doesn't include

    computational linguistics and things

    like how we communicate body language

    inflection the digitization of things

    there's all these wonderful connections

    to every subject area that's in

    computing if you can just be able to

    take bits and pieces of it and make it

    part of other things we'll finally get

    to the rational point where we should

    have been all along we're computing is

    part of what we teach yeah and there's a

    lot of organizations in the last few

    years in particular like Korg who are

    are great at advocating for and

    promoting those connections that can be

    made and demonstrating like the value of

    learning computer science or coding but

    there are some districts where it just

    hasn't caught on yet either because it's

    not mandatory in their state or it's

    just administrators are unaware of it

    but there are like individual teachers

    who are incorporating CS or CTE in their


    what might you recommend for those

    teachers who want to expand the reach to

    outside of just their classroom and

    maybe reach their whole district yeah I

    think a lot of us started out as lonely

    souls kind of the voice in the desert

    there and you know to keep looking for

    other collaborators and connecting with

    other people that are doing what you're

    doing is a big part if you really want

    change to happen I think you have to

    work and bottom-up top-down and side

    weighs all at the same time because that

    that's I think what happened in Maryland

    that really worked and it took us a few

    years of doing that but you know

    peer-to-peer works really well a

    principal tells another principal look

    at this great thing I did or a counselor

    or a district administrator or another

    teacher and an elementary teacher - an

    elementary teacher so people having

    success in telling other people about it

    is part of what makes it work but then

    at the same time trying to educate your

    legislators trying to educate your

    administrators it's a lot but really

    that's what we are we're like this big

    education institution try to catch up

    with what people don't know yeah I I

    really like the idea of the peer to peer

    as two examples like one you could share

    on social media and that could

    potentially help promote to the idea

    with other teachers in your area but to

    just inviting it and ministers to your

    classroom to see what you're doing can I

    had a makerspace that was a middle

    school elective and the superintendent

    just happened to walk in one day and was

    like this is amazing and long story

    short it ended up that we created a

    maker bus that traveled from school to

    school that would provide these maker

    experiences so that everybody in the

    district could experience that at some

    point throughout the year so that just

    one-off moment where the superintendent

    walked in my room led to a makerspace

    going to every one of the schools so

    things can kind of snowball into bigger

    things and it doesn't have to be

    something as big as a bus right it could

    trigger those lending bins right okay

    let's make up some bins of these cool

    little activities for logic or these

    cool little robots and let's make them

    available to people so that all more

    people can do it and let's provide PD

    for it so they know what to do it yeah

    yes that's the thing that I often see is

    missing or the PD that's provided is

    just this one-off thing where it's like

    okay I spent six hours or eight hours

    doing this this thing and now what yep

    or they give you training on something

    that you're actually not going to have

    access to yeah that was fun yep so what

    kind of advice might you give to

    district administrators who see the

    awesome things that can be done with

    computer science and are interested in

    getting started with it

    their district or school I think script

    cs4 all really has distilled a lot of

    great lessons inside of there you know

    talk about learning from other people

    but you gotta have a vision and a plan

    you gotta be able to say in words why is

    this important to our particular

    community and you got to work in teams

    you can't just have one off person who

    might leave be the one person making the

    plan for everybody you got to do

    vertical planning and it's amazing in

    districts how often you find the high

    school middle school elementary school

    people haven't even talked much less the

    special ed people the counselors it's

    gotta be a team thing you got to have

    the vision and you can't do it all at

    once because you don't know what's gonna

    work yet so you've got to do it in

    stages and like you and I were just

    saying you know you've got a build

    relevant professional development into

    the plan at every single step don't just

    give somebody a pacing guide and say

    this is what you're gonna teach this

    year and the poor soul looks at it and

    goes I don't even know how to define

    some of those words yeah I mean having

    just a small plan I think what I'm

    seeing as successful is here's how we're

    going to move it forward this is the PD

    we're gonna offer this is the PD we're

    gonna offer for the people who miss the

    PD in the first place these are the

    supports we're gonna give people and

    moving away from that once and done

    where you're kind of building a whole

    structure around it and for people who

    might not be familiar with it Scripps is

    this process that kind of guides you

    through that so it kind of helps you

    think through the questions that you as

    an administrator need to think through

    like oh if we're gonna provide PD well

    then we should probably also provide

    cost for substitutes or we need to make

    sure that we have enough devices for the

    kids or things like that and it helps

    you think through the long term not just

    the short term of how to implement it in

    your district yeah in stages right yeah

    start we start with the first part and

    then get that going and then work on the

    next part I like that also kind of think

    outside the box because this is you know

    this whole new subject area it's

    integrated and its standalone so you got

    to kind of think of it both ways this as

    far as where it's gonna fit

    you know our traditional education is

    the same education that's been there for

    the last hundred years and this didn't

    fit in there so where you put it as a

    chance to innovate a little bit I really

    like that you mentioned that it's

    integrated and standalone what I

    typically recommend is to start

    standalone and then build from there

    because it's it's it's easier once kids

    know how to program or how to use a

    platform like scratch to then okay now

    that you have developed this expertise

    now you can apply it into other subject

    areas but if you go the other way around

    it's it's often a little bit more

    difficult yeah and it frustrates the

    teachers too because they want to do

    this project that's valuable in their

    subject area and in their curriculum but

    instead they have to set aside X number

    of days to teach the kids the basics to

    use the tool which yeah definitely works

    out better that way

    so what mistakes are hard lessons have

    some districts made that you would

    recommend others avoiding I think some

    of the biggest mistakes that the

    districts make are getting stuff and not

    really knowing how it fits in or what

    you're going to do with it or like we

    said providing enough professional

    development that people are comfortable

    using it another thing that people do

    that doesn't turn out well is taking too

    big of a step all at once and sometimes

    that's not a district sometimes that's a

    state thing where you know now it's

    mandated every student must take

    computer science you know I have five

    teachers in my state I have to have 500

    of them within two years so it's not

    like they always have a choice I think

    if they they're able to work with that

    script have a short plan act on it build

    up and analyze your gaps always keep

    your state standards in mind always keep

    equity of access in mind while you're

    doing it you know how am I going to

    reach all kids as I work because some

    people have this vision that computer

    science is just for some and all of

    their efforts go towards building this

    elite group of computer scientists for

    the future whether they're cybersecurity

    people or artificial intelligence or

    cloud computing whatever which is a

    great thing to work on but you're

    missing 90% of your kids if that's where

    you focus yeah that's an import

    and there are many ways that you can't

    approach it unless you have a district

    or a state mandate of everybody needs to

    do it at once

    some districts will do okay this first

    year we're gonna have kinder through

    third grade and then next year we'll

    have kinder through fourth and they'll

    just kind of like keep building off of

    that that has a different amount of

    support that's needed up front then okay

    everybody K through 12 needs to do this

    this year you just gotta take those into

    consideration which I had seen that

    happen somewhat successfully but it just

    takes a whole lot of work on that end

    one of the other hazards is if you start

    with elementary but you don't do

    anything with your middle school

    teachers until the kids get to be that

    age now the teachers are starting at

    Ground Zero but the kids are coming in

    like on level three okay so if you're

    not kind of educating your middle school

    teachers at the same time you're

    training your elementary school students

    you create this strange kind of a gap

    yeah we actually had that in the

    district person so it was a k-8 district

    and the high school district was his own

    separate entity so we had all these kids

    who had multiple years of programming

    experience and then they would go to

    high school and there wasn't even a

    class offered at some of the high

    schools yeah so you have to that

    vertical planning piece is where that

    keeps coming back right and the other

    stake that people make is universities

    do it too is just just connect with the

    high quality resources that are already

    exist before you start to develop your

    own yeah so many people want to create

    their own but face it two years of

    testing in a classroom and refining a

    curriculum is worth a lot yeah it is a

    really big ask for teachers to teach

    this stuff and if we're providing them

    with minimal Cee'd lessons with possibly

    some links that you have to go out and

    sort through that's not fair

    yeah and I'll say from professional

    development and curriculum standpoint

    after having done this professionally

    for a couple of years we reiterate and

    keep adding and changing things every

    week so those couple years of experience

    like really separate us from people who

    are starting right away yeah and lots of

    what's out there is free I mean it's

    high-quality and free so if you haven't

    did that why not that's my big line if

    not why not so what about funding so a

    lot of districts might be interested in

    it but they might not have the money for

    the PD what might you recommend

    or districts who want to obtain funding

    or professional development I mean every

    state's got their own set of rules and

    what it's for

    but I think at least in Maryland all I

    have to do is talk to me but do to

    create an actual plan that includes a

    budget in a timeline and show how it

    actually reaches a broad reach of kids

    and improves what's already there so

    have a plan a timeline budget objectives

    I think you can get a lot farther that

    way try to hook up with people business

    nonprofit University people were all

    part of doing the same thing departments

    of Education are all educating

    themselves so that they can start to

    include this and something that they do

    so you're kind of getting onto a moving

    wheel that's already turning you don't

    have to start something on your own if

    you can connect up with somebody else

    that's already got something working

    yeah and the a lot of organizations or

    even state funded organizations are

    providing grants and other opportunities

    forward this kind of funding but what

    would you recommend for a district who

    applies for that what should they really

    focus on or take into consideration I

    just think some people just want to go

    for the bling drones they do that and

    some of that stuff is great as long as

    that's not most of it I mean especially

    like people will go for these consumable

    kits and then you know scale and sustain

    scale and sustain can you get it to

    every teacher and you keep it going you

    got to ask yourself that if you're going

    to write some sort of an application for

    funding okay so looking out at the

    computer science and in the field of

    education what are you looking forward

    to in the field of CS education I get so

    excited about what could it possibly be

    like once we get past that basic

    literacy that most people don't have to

    that point where the majority instead of

    this little minority have the ability to

    use it as this creative tool in maker

    spaces in school out of school I mean

    you see examples of what can be done

    with people who have a background but

    still if you ask any University computer

    science intro level professor you have a

    large number of kids thinking they want

    a major in computer science with real

    minimal skills so

    you have to spend a couple of years

    playing catch-up to get the basics

    before you can start getting to the

    really cool stuff so not flipping that

    question what concerns do you have about

    current trends in CS education I talked

    a little bit about this idea of pushing

    the requirements so hard you have a

    bunch of unprepared teachers and instead

    of a success you have a big frustration

    and people have a negative experience

    just that if you don't do things with

    thought and support for the teachers

    quality curriculum quality professional

    development ongoing PD it can just

    fizzle out so I kind of worried that a

    lot of people are pushing forward

    various requirements and you know while

    the computer science people are pushing

    don't forget out there there's a whole

    movement to get AI in k-12 and

    cybersecurity is developing guidelines

    for k-12 and these are a whole nother

    set on top of computer science for k-12

    how many different directions can we

    push at the same time and speaking of

    being pushed in many directions teachers

    in general are pushed in a lot of

    directions and there's this tendency in

    the field to kind of either stick with

    it for many years or to fizzle out

    pretty fast like within the first few

    years I imagine that might be

    exacerbated in areas like if a teacher

    is being asked to or force to teach CS

    education but they're not necessarily

    interested in it so what might you

    recommend or teachers to kind of help

    stave off that burnout well if they can

    take things in small steps that's

    definitely one of the pieces but that

    connecting with ears and and

    collaborating on things that work well

    is it not the best thing that get me

    going what do you wish there's more

    research on that can inform your

    practices or the field I wish we could

    point to more research that say this

    works almost all of us seem to be flying

    by the seat of our pants

    I believe with all my heart and soul

    that this is important and valuable but

    I can't prove it in any kind of

    measurable way I wish there was more

    research about the pedagogy and and what

    really works because sometimes you can

    tell a kid what a variable is 20 times

    over and they still clearly do not

    understand what a variable is

    and what the learning trajectories are

    that you know this really is a base

    knowledge you need to build on to get to

    the next step what questions do you have

    for myself or to the field at large I

    would love to know from from you in

    particular since you've worked with

    people in a number of different places

    what trends are you seeing do you see

    people coming to you with more

    information and knowledge when they want

    to do something over time or do you see

    everybody still being at a beginning

    level over and over again it varies by

    district and location generally speaking

    if a district has seen it done in a

    neighboring district they're usually a

    little bit further ahead in terms of

    preparation but most of the places that

    we work with it's at the beginning

    stages they they are excited about doing

    something or maybe they're being forced

    to do something so the hesitant about it

    but they're like okay help us where do

    we go from here and so I'm fortunate in

    that I work at or an organization that

    is able to help provide those steps but

    I still think there's a lot of

    floundering going on for districts

    you're just like okay where do I go what

    do I do and I think like you mentioned

    with scripts that's a good place to

    start to start thinking of those

    questions I mean it's like Smee that

    every single district in Maryland has

    started you know I mean that's just this

    neat feeling that this gigantic barge

    has started moving forward and there's

    people in all parts of the state that

    are doing something but then when I talk

    to people in other states sometimes I

    feel like wow overall we haven't really

    made that much of a difference yet we're

    still at square one yeah that's not the

    norm yet what Maryland's doing

    eventually it will be I mean I imagine a

    decade from now it's gonna be a very

    different conversation that we'll be

    having in terms of we're no longer

    starting at Ground Zero with most people

    it'll be more of how do we advance the

    field as opposed to how do we get it

    started in all the schools just so you

    know that's where I thought I was ten

    years ago oh really I said the same

    thing well I'm hope I'm not proven wrong

    on that positive outlook me too it was

    at marathon sprint thing though you know

    I think it things are in motion now in a

    way that they weren't ten years

    ago so maybe now it'll be lasting change

    not just sporadic change yeah I mean I

    think in order for that to really happen

    it's God I've helped her into higher

    education in the teacher preparation and

    that's starting to happen some places

    but once these kids who have actually

    gone through ideally like a pre-k

    through 12 computer science and coding

    program when they get into teaching

    they'll have at least had experience res

    most the teachers who are currently in

    the classroom and haven't had an

    experience with computer science or

    programming exact I'm so excited working

    with our what 14 now University partners

    who are incorporating this into their

    resurfaced programs in different ways

    and its really really exciting

    universities are such a great resource

    and they have those connections to the

    other subject area learning and the

    colleges of education and they have the

    subject area and their CSR IT

    departments how would you recommend

    making those connections because like in

    Arizona there was this kind of chicken

    and egg scenario where the state wanted

    to provide an endorsement and then force

    SES education but then the university

    wanted to provide training on it but

    they're waiting on state but then the

    state was waiting on the university to

    kind of develop some stuff so like how

    do you make those connections to kind of

    foster those collaborations between like

    departments of Ed universities and

    colleges and then actual districts yeah

    I mean it's a challenge for us to but

    you got to keep trying to connect that

    circle around your State Department of

    Education your legislation your

    university people and your k-12 people

    and just keep looping around I think

    once you have standards and you've

    agreed that this is what kids need to

    learn and the educator standards will be

    published in December 2019 so this is

    what somebody should know to be a good C

    s educator you can at least put again

    beginning steps around that you're not

    going to develop all five courses in a

    sequence all at once you're gonna create

    that first course so what does that look

    like and then what's an outline of where

    you're going to be going and where might

    people go to connect with yourself and

    the organization is that you work with

    we RCS for MD com the Maryland Center

    for computing education most of our

    stuff is on our website which I am

    currently reorganizing so don't be


    if it looks a little messy for a few

    weeks and that concludes this week's

    episode of the CSKA podcast just a quick

    friendly reminder that every week the

    show notes have relevant links related

    to each episode you can find that in the

    app that you're listening to this on or

    by visiting jared O'Leary com I ask if

    you enjoy this content and the content

    that's on my web site that you simply

    share it making no money off of it just

    want to help other people out so please

    consider sharing with somebody who might

    be interested in these free resources I

    hope you enjoyed this week's episode and

    I hope you look forward to next week's

    episode where I unpack some scholarship

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