This lightning talk introduces ipsative assessment, which is an assessment undertaken by a student for the purpose of learning through reflection on prior work. This process differs from self-assessment where students evaluate their own efforts or results without making connections to prior creations or demonstrations of understandings. I begin this session by briefly reviewing applications of formative and summative assessment techniques and then introduce ipsative assessment as another possibility for assessing student work. After this brief introduction, I elaborate by providing examples of how I used ipsative assessment within the K-8 coding classes I designed and facilitated, and conclude the lightning talk by sharing assessment resources I created for elementary CS education professional development sessions.
Read MoreRather than lecturing about rhizomatic design and learning, this session models the approach by exploring the topic rhizomatically. The idea behind this short session is to dip your toes into the topic while simultaneously providing enough resources to dive deeper after the session is over.
Read MoreThis ignite talk describes considerations for designing interest-driven coding projects with Scratch. I provide examples of what an interest-driven coding class looks like and how projects are designed for a variety of experience levels and interests within a shared space. I discuss some of the research informing this approach, share examples of interest-driven projects, and provide suggestions for creating interest-driven coding projects and resources.
Read MoreSequential learning often assumes an interest in a subject area and often does not take into account the interests of those who are required to be there. This session describes an approach designed for non-sequential learning of computer programming through interest-driven coding projects.
Read MoreThis lightning talk describes considerations for facilitating multiple programming languages in one space. I provide video examples of what it looks like when young coders select from four different programming languages to create projects of interest. Following an overview of what coders created in the classes I designed and facilitated, I discuss considerations for simultaneously facilitating multiple languages; this discussion includes quick suggestions for selecting and creating resources, questioning techniques, peer-to-peer mentoring, room setup, and more.
Read MoreThis lightning talk describes considerations for designing interest-driven coding projects. I provide examples of what an interest-driven coding class looks like and how projects are designed for a variety of experience levels and interests within a shared space. I discuss some of the research informing this approach, share examples of interest-driven projects, and provide suggestions for creating interest-driven coding projects and resources.
Read MoreThe video in this link is a mock version of a three minute showcase on interest-driven coding and learning I presented at the 2017 Apple Distinguished Educators (ADE) US Academy.
Read MoreThis presentation will discuss how aspects of participatory culture can be fused together with inquiry-based learning in online learning environments. The presentation will focus on utilizing collective-intelligence to create rhizomatic learning spaces that can treat course objectives and/or materials as platforms for inquiry that are modeled after relevant practices.
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