The Future of Education (According to AI)
In this episode I ask Bard and ChatGPT what the future of education looks like and probe these platforms to get a pulse on what computer science education looks like according to responses from large language models.
AI like chat GPT and Bard have been
described as autocorrect on steroids but
before the game sentience and end all of
humanity as we know it we can use large
language models like Chachi bati and
Bard to simulate how a typical person
within a field might respond to some
different questions today I'm going to
ask some questions from Bard and chat
GPT to kind of like get a general
understanding of what the discourse is
around some questions about the future
of Education as well as some questions
around Computer Science Education now if
you're not interested in all the
questions that I'm about to ask I do
include time to stamp so you can
actually jump to a specific question
that might interest you you can also
leave a comment in the YouTube
description if you are interested in
sharing your own thoughts and what you
think about the future of Education or
just computer science education in
general what did you agree with and what
did you disagree with in particular now
the first question that I asked AI was
what will teaching and learning look
like 10 years from now now most of the
responses that are received kind of came
across as if like a marketing person
would kind of write something that they
don't necessarily know a lot about so it
skims the surface levels of
understandings of a topic area without
actually diving deep into it it's
basically like a blog post that like
some kind of marketer might write that
really doesn't do much other than
improve SEO which is search engine
optimization so Bard responded to this
question by saying that there's going to
be more of a focus on personalized
learning so students are going to have
more control over what they're going to
be able to do over the classroom I hope
that's the case that's something I've
been arguing for for years on this
podcast as well as just in the
presentations of Publications I do but
if there was more personalized learning
fantastic that'd be phenomenal win for
all the students out there the next
thing that Bard mentioned was that
there's going to be more emphasis on
critical thinking and problem solving
such as engaging in project-based
learning and problem-based learning now
this I definitely see being more of a
focus because there's going to be a lot
more questioning in terms of was this
actually said by this person or was it
generated by AI is this video of
somebody like robbing a bank actually
somebody robbing the bank or is this
just generated by AI Etc so I see there
being a lot more going on with critical
thinking and then problem solving in
general is just something that's kind of
very important for a variety of reasons
I also mentioned that there's going to
be more collaboration and teamwork as
well as more use of techno technology
which was kind of like a yeah well I
mean duh but the last thing that Bard
mentioned is that there's gonna be more
of a focus on global citizenship so this
was interesting because I was talking
about how being able to look at things
from different cultures and perspectives
not just from like a local sense or from
like a national sense but globally now I
do see this as being a potential future
like with the increase in abilities of
real-time translations in particular
we're going to be able to assist with
more Global discussions so like I'm very
slowly learning Japanese but there are
some apps on my phone where I can like
just speak into it and then it'll
translate it immediately to somebody in
Japanese and vice versa they can speak
Japanese and it'll translate it to me in
English because of this I do see more of
a focus on global collaboration and
communication among students and
teachers Etc likely going to be
asynchronous just because of like time
zone differences and whatnot and like
when students go to or attend school but
that is quite frankly really cool like I
like that idea that we're going to be
able to have students on one part of the
world be able to speak into some kind of
a technology and it's going to translate
it to other students on another part of
the world so while most of these
responses were pretty generic let's see
what chat GPT has to say so chat chat
gbt also mentioned that there's going to
be more of a focus on personalized
learning but these responses in general
for all these questions chat GPT had a
better response than Bard did Bard was
much more of that like marketing
response and then chatgpt actually
sounded like the person sort of knew
what they were talking about most of the
time so for example on personalized
learning it says quote adaptive Learning
Systems AI tutors and intelligent
educational software could be utilized
to create personalized learning paths
for students catering to their strengths
weaknesses and interests end quote which
by the way all these responses I include
in their entirety in the show notes for
episode 191 this particular episode so
make sure you check that out if you want
to actually see like all of these
responses from Bard and chat DBT just
click on the little plus sign and it'll
expand it so this is a very important
point so it elaborates on what
personalized learning looks like I do
agree that there are some abilities to
have more adaptive Learning Systems Etc
that are going to be able to make it so
students can kind of go at their own
pace however I've done several episodes
that talks about a concept known as
rhizomatic learning for example on
episode 150 which is titled fostering
intersectional identities through
rhizomatic learning as well as episode
with Catherine bornhurst John Stapleton
and Katie Henry these episodes and more
kind of talk about how you can engage in
individualized learning within group
spaces so if you're interested in that
check out those episodes Linked In the
show notes and the next thing that chat
GPT mentioned was Blended learning
environments so this is specifically for
fostering Global Connections among
students and Educators this was a really
interesting idea so it's talking about
how yeah we're going to have more
in-person and virtual spaces kind of
like a hybrid of the two maybe a combo
of the two but it's specifically in
connection with like Global Connections
with other students and teachers that I
thought was an interesting take on that
the next thing that Chachi D mentioned
for this question was an emphasis on
critical thinking and problem solving
okay this is basically the same thing
that Bard mentioned the next one was
lifelong learning and upskilling this
one was a really interesting idea so
specifically talking about how with the
changes in technology and like jobs just
constantly evolving in terms of like
what's available the markets where
there's needs Etc there's going to be a
need for an emphasis on lifelong
learning and upskilling so the ability
to learn new skills or different skills
than what you may have learned in school
there's already a lot of discussions
about whether or not college is useful
and whether or not you should get a
degree or just like jump into a field
and I do see this as a kind of like
trickling down into well do we really
need to focus on like learning this
particular concept of practice in this
domain like in computer science when 20
years from now that domain might not
even exist as we know it today perhaps
instead we should focus on the lifelong
learning and again the upskilling and
that I think is a really interesting
idea that Bard did not mention that I do
think that Educators and the education
system could really benefit from
exploring more the next thing that
Chachi BT mentioned was collaboration
and project-based learning as well as
gamification and immersive experiences
in particular it elaborates and says
that virtual reality and augmented
reality are going to become more of a
norm Within teaching and learning in the
next 10 years and that is something that
I agree with and kind of wish that it
was expanded upon in some of the other
responses by Bard because this is
something that is going to potentially
have a drastic impact on the future of
learning the next thing that chat gbt
mentioned was more of a focus on
data-driven education I'd argue we
already have a huge Focus or too much of
a focus if I dare say on data-driven
education specifically data-driven
education when it comes to standardized
tests we spend way too much time on that
preparing for it taking those tests Etc
rather than just actually like creating
learning exploring Etc so I agree that
unfortunately that is likely going to be
a big part of the future in the next 10
years of education but I don't think we
should focus on that so if you want to
learn more about that check out some of
the podcast episodes that have come
before this there's over 190 of them so
there's a lot to learn from from the
different guests and unpacking
scholarship episodes and the last thing
that chat GPT mentioned was also just
like that cultural and Global awareness
now this was interesting to see these
responses in particular I really like
the pro coach of focusing on lifelong
learning and upskilling out of the
responses that was probably my favorite
one to really focus on aside from
personalized learning which obviously
I've talked about many many times on the
other podcast episodes now I followed up
with both of the AI and asked the
question how is that different from
today now again because the large
language models are basically
summarizing discourse across a wide
range of different sources this is kind
of just giving you a pulse on the
thoughts around education or the future
of education so when it comes to
personalized learning art mentioned
quote today students typically learn in
one size fits all classroom setting in
over their own learning paths and they
will be able to learn at their own pace
and in their own way this will be
facilitated by the use of educational
Technologies such as adaptive learning
software and online learning platforms
end quote I totally agree with that I do
see that being more of a future but
again you can do all of that without
actually having to use technology so
check out the rhizomatic learning
podcast episodes Linked In the show
notes when it came to critical thinking
and problem solving Bard mentioned that
many schools focus on basically rote
learning and memorizing fats Etc and I
do know that some schools do that
especially the traditional schools like
the private schools but when it came to
collaboration and teamwork Bard
mentioned that many students work
individually on projects I personally
prefer them but I'd argue that the way
that they're describing collaboration
and teamwork it's actually not going to
just be human human collaboration but
also human to AI collaboration so being
able to collaborate with AI to kind of
like come up with a project idea or
refine some code or to create something
new Etc I'm predicting that in the
future of Education there are going to
be many collaborations with human Nai
not just human to human that wasn't
actually mentioned by Bard and then
again these are just like a lot of
generic responses and whatnot so when it
came to the global citizenship there's
basically saying they're going to learn
about different cultures and
perspectives I mean we're kind of
already doing that in at least most of
the United States general education
curriculum like that does happen but I
would argue that with the use of
technology and whatnot instead of just
focusing on learning about different
cultures and perspectives we're actually
going to collaborate with communicate
with directly with the assistance of
like technology that will allow us to
translate across different languages Etc
now when it came to chat gpt's response
again these were generally better
responses than barger's responses but
there wasn't really anything that stood
out as like oh yeah that's a really
interesting point I really like that
um I should talk about that on podcast
so I'm just going to skip over that but
again you can actually read the entire
response from every one of these
questions that I ask at the show notes
which is found at alright
so the next question that I asked both
the AI is what is the role of artificial
intelligence in teaching and learning so
Bart mentioned that AI can be used for
personalized learning as well as
adaptive learning could be used as a
virtual tutor you can use it to assess
something or you can use it for research
so AI can be used to kind of like come
up with new teaching methods which is
something that the AI recommended I'm
not really sure what that means but it
sounds interesting so perhaps what I
could do is just like ask Bard hey what
are some potential teaching methods that
can be used or developed through Ai and
then maybe I can follow up with that on
a future podcast or something cat GPT
also mentioned that personalized
learning was going to be a big focus of
that intersection of learning and
artificial intelligence also mentioned
intelligent tutoring specifically
pointing out that tutors that are AI can
be available 24 7 can provide more
one-on-one feedback that is immediately
on demand rather than having to wait
like oh the tutor or teacher is helping
somebody else in the classroom I just
have to kind of wait to be able to help
Etc I mean one of the ways that I kind
of worked around that as somebody who
previously worked in the classroom ever
grade kindergarten through doctoral
student is when I'd be working in a
class and I would have like up on the
board like okay first check like the
documentation like read through the the
documents for their coding platform
using to see if they can answer your
question then the next two steps are to
ask some peers so ask somebody next to
you and then maybe get up ask somebody
else in the room and then the final step
is to ask me if I was available if I was
not available then you keep repeating
steps one through three which is to
check the of documentation and then ask
some peers for help that way it wasn't
so that like a kid was just like sitting
there with her hand raised just kind of
like waiting forever and then eventually
they were able to actually be able to
work with me on something because again
when you have like sometimes I had 35
kids in a class sometimes when I'm
working with somebody on a coding
project like it might be in a lengthy
discussion where it's like oh well let's
try this let's try and figure out what
the bug is let's talk about this blah
blah and so several minutes might go by
or even 20 minutes or whatever so it's
important to have some kind of a system
in place now again peers might not
always be able to provide a good answer
so it might be helpful to have ai to
kind of be like a tutor I totally
understand that and interestingly a
couple weeks ago in episode 188 which is
titled studying the effect of AI code
generators on supporting novice Learners
in introductory programming that
particular publication actually found
out that students who learned with AI
specifically learning how to code
outperform students who did not learn
with AI when they didn't use AI on a
test so when they were just like writing
out lines of Code by hand without any
assistance of AI they actually performed
it if they had originally learned it
with AI so that is a fascinating finding
and I'm curious if it can be replicated
or reproduced in other contexts and
whatnot so stay tuned folks we'll find
out now again chat chippy mentioned that
AI will be helpful for automated grading
and feedback this can save some time for
teachers so they can focus on working
with students one-on-one rather than
just like focusing on the assignment
itself however I would argue that a
teacher learns a lot when they are
actually going through and Grading
different things and learning about oh
here's a misconception that I'm noticing
and if you were to just hand that over
to an AI and then AI just assigns some
kind of a score and gives you feedback
to the student if you are not the one
who's actually grading things you're not
going to be able to notice those
patterns over time where you're like oh
Johnny consistently for the past like
four weeks have had issues with this
very same thing across several different
projects Etc so I would argue that it
might help with grading and feedback but
it might not necessarily help provide
context for a teach to understand and
identify those problems unless they're
actively looking at the data and going
oh I'm noticing some patterns right here
so perhaps if hey I were to kind of
summarize those patterns and then send
them to the teacher then maybe they'd be
able to better assist them one-on-one
now another thing that the chat GPT
mentioned was that AI would be helpful
for natural language processing so this
was interesting so here's a quote from
this little paragraph quote AI powered
chat Bots or virtual assistants can
engage in conversations with students
answering questions providing
explanations and engaging in interactive
dialogue end quote I am wondering out
loud if we have chat Bots that are like
voice activated kind of like Alexa or uh
text based if that is going to actually
improve speaking as well as reading
abilities as students especially if they
are English language Learners or
emergent bilingual students I do see
that as a potential way for students to
be able to kind of like practice their
reading practice their Writing Practice
their speaking Etc and to do so where
they can actually get feedback because
like there are many times like when
you're working with a student when they
like say something and like the grammar
is incorrect and you kind of like
rephrase it back to them without like
calling them out on it but an AI might
be able to go like oh the way that you
phrase this here's how you're actually
supposed to say it or Etc like if you
were asking for that from Ai and again
this is something that can happen in
real time 24 7 rather than having to
rely on a tutor who's going to be there
in person Etc now from what I was
mentioning earlier with automated
grading and feedback chat gbt did
elaborate that data analysis and
learning analytics would be helpful for
quote helping identify patterns Trends
and insights end quote so if it's
combined with the automated grading and
feedback and you're actually able to
look at the patterns over time that I
think that would be helpful for
educators even for students to go oh I'm
noticing that I'm having trouble with
blah perhaps I should spend more time on
blah that's something I do with like my
drumming and whatnot is I will look at
okay what is going well what are the
things that are consistently
inconsistent or consistently not
sounding good now I need to find some
different approaches different ways that
I can actually work on those
inconsistencies or problems with my own
playing same thing applies with many
other things like I've done that with
martial arts I've done that with Video
Games Etc trying to find the weaknesses
of the areas of improvement and then
finding ways that you can actually
practice just that thing in isolation to
improve it over time that could be
helpful for educators as well as for
students and I do think AI is going to
be useful with that now here's another
interesting one from chat GPT this is on
intelligent content creation quote AI
can assist in generating educational
content such as automated lesson plans
quizzes or interactive simulations it
can also provide assistance in creating
adaptive learning materials that adjust
to individual student needs end quote
that is really interesting and in fact
we put that to the test a little bit
later so I actually do ask both the AI
to create some lesson plans and there's
a bit of controversy in there that we'll
talk about when we get to that but you
can actually jump to that by clicking
the description as I do include
timestamps to each one of the questions
that I ask and then the last thing that
chat GPT mentioned is that virtual
reality and augmented reality can be
used to kind of like simulate real world
scenarios experiences Etc now one
interesting thing that chat GPT ends
with is the following little paragraph
quote it's important to note that while
AI has the potential to enhance teaching
and learning it is not intended to
replace human Educators rather AI can
complement and support teachers by
automating routine tasks providing
insights and offering personalized
assistance thereby enabling Educators to
focus on individualized instruction
mentoring and fostering human Connection
in the classroom end quote that is a
really interesting thing that it adds at
the very end of this now I have seen
some business people in particular kind
of talk about how AI is going to replace
Educators and there's not going to be
needs for them I completely disagree
with that I know I'm a bit biased
because like again I've worked with
evergrade kindergarten through doctoral
student but I don't see Educators going
away or that Personal Touch I do see it
being used in collaboration or being
able to assist but having somebody there
in person is just so much better because
you're actually able to get to know the
student as an individual at least if
you're teaching that way as opposed to
teaching to the group or to like the
group mean or medium but I don't know
maybe 10 years from now I'll be like uh
actually Jared computers have completely
replaced teachers because as I mentioned
in that other podcast episode I did find
that AI that was used in collaboration
with learning actually performed better
than students who did not learn with the
collaboration of AI but again no no
we'll see now the next question that I
ask about the AI is why are teachers
leaving the field and what can be done
to prevent that so Bard mentioned that
the average teacher salary in the United
States is 61 730 which is considered to
be low pay and quite frankly that was
more than I was making as somebody with
a doctorate 10 years of experience and
they gave me 44
rolling in that money they also
mentioned that there's a heavy workload
there's a lack of support there's
unreleased students and parent
involvement is not happening I would
argue that there's sometimes too much
involvement from parents who think they
know everything about their student and
don't see all the bad things the
students are doing behind their back but
I also understand that some of the
schools that I've worked at did not have
enough parent involvement at home
especially if the parents are having to
work multiple jobs now again much like a
marketing person trying to respond for
an expert Bard mentions well we can fix
these by increasing teacher pay reducing
teacher workload by reducing the class
sizes allowing for more planning time
allowing for more professional
development we can provide more support
through the axis of more technology
smaller class sizes we can also develop
positive relationships with students
quote teachers can develop positive
relationships with students by being
fair and consistent showing respect and
being approachable end quote I would
argue with somebody again who's worked
with ever-grade kindergarten through
doctoral students that students are the
least of the problems that I had in
education yeah of course there's going
to be some outbursts or some students
who are going to fight each other every
now and then but then you just step in
you knock one of them out and then it'll
never happen again because no one will
want to mess with with you that was a
joke but this idea that like
education is going to be so much better
if like you just approach students with
respect and be consistent like teachers
aren't leaving the field because
students are unruly there are so many
like issues in education educational
policy so many influences from parents
from policy makers from community
members Etc who are just making it so
that it's unbearable to be in the
classroom not to mention you know it's
not safe to be in the classroom because
random people are coming into the school
or even sometimes students with weapons
like it's a scary time to be an educator
and again you're not getting paid much
so I get the sentiment but if that's the
general discourse that that's kind of
blaming the teachers which again I would
argue that is all the external
influences on the educator not the
educator itself that is the problem for
the majority of the time yeah I've
worked with some teachers who like
clearly didn't want to be there but I
mean given all the stresses the low pay
etc etc like I get why you wouldn't want
to put a lot of effort into it again
somebody with a doctorate and 10 years
of experience I made forty four thousand
one hundred and eighty six dollars I've
presented over a hundred times I have
over a dozen Publications I've won
multiple International teaching and
research Awards and I was making less
than fifty thousand dollars a year and
I've seen some people on social media be
like yeah well if you want to make more
then how about you get more degrees and
how about you just like perform well I
did and I still made less than fifty
thousand dollars a year but I'll end
that rant right there now another thing
that Bard mentioned is that we can
encourage more parental involvement and
I would argue that in lower income
schools again parents don't necessarily
have time for that all right so let's
take a look at what chat gbt said so
it's very similar so it's saying that
teachers are leaving the field because
of low salaries heavy workload and
stress a lack of support and
professional development again they
mentioned classroom management
challenges that there's diverse student
needs disruptive behaviors a lack of
resources so it was a little bit blaming
the Educators but also expanding it
saying hey there's a lack of resources
and there's so many things you have to
consider when teaching like if there's
IEPs or 504 plans Etc and I totally get
that so this was a little bit more
nuanced than Bard's explanation was so I
like this response a little bit better
and the last thing that chat GPT
mentioned is that policy changes and
standardized testings are some of the
reasons why teachers leaving and I agree
a lot of what you focus on in the
classroom is not necessarily students
which is kind of a shame because that's
why like I went into education into the
field is to be able to help other kids
but you have so many outside factors
that you have to consider I have to
prepare you for the test rather than you
know just focusing on things you
actually want to learn and again
developing lifelong learning and
upscaling Etc now chat GPT mentions that
we can address this by having
competitive compensation we can have a
more supportive work environment reduce
the administrative burden such as like
administrative tasks and paperwork which
yeah that would be nice I had to do
lunch duty playground Duty Bus duty all
sorts of other stuff which honestly is
such a waste of my time again given my
background like when I left the
classroom I went to a non-profit and
made curricular content and professional
development that made that organization
several million dollars because of the
content that I personally made or led
the team of and so instead of making
several million dollars worth of content
I was monitoring the bus and making sure
that kids weren't jumping off the
playground Etc like that is just kind of
a waste of time and you could hire
somebody at minimum wage to do that
rather than taking away from my time to
be able to create educational content
and resources that help students but
that is my own little rant on that
another thing that chat CPT mentions is
that you can focus on professional
development and growth now this is
something that I mentioned in other
episodes is that there is very little
money and time set aside for
professional development and growth that
usually occurs like on those Wednesday
half days where like students get out
early and teachers end up staying way
later than they should because they have
like several hours of meetings after
school ends if you are lucky enough to
get professional development during the
school day that means that you're going
to have to hire several if not dozens
and dozens of substitute teachers during
that day to replace that time when the
teachers are leaving in the classroom
and now somebody's got to be in there to
like support the students but it's not
going to be as high quality I mean I've
had so many Subs who literally just like
sat on their phone in there it didn't
matter what kind of lesson plan you gave
them they would literally do nothing in
the class be like I don't know today's a
game day have fun so while you might be
able to have the funds to pay for the
supports that you would need to be able
to do the professional development it's
going to have a negative impact on
students so like there's really no win
there when you're doing this
unfortunately another thing that chat
gbt mentions is that we need more
teacher voice and collaboration
especially when it comes to like
policies and decision making I agree
with that sentiment so there there is
not enough like discussion with policy
makers like I had a policy maker come
into a district that I worked in and
this person literally to the minute had
their their entire like hour-long thing
planned out they had I'm gonna spend
three minutes in this classroom and then
we're going to spend one minute walking
to the next classroom another five
minutes in this other classroom blah
blah blah blah blah now I didn't
actually teach at the school but I was
asked to come into that school and act
like I was a teacher there because again
I was teaching in a completely different
School in the same district they asked
me to come over there simulate what my
classroom looked like in that school I
taught the kids like the week before for
several days trying to help them I get
caught up to what my students were doing
in my actual classes students then were
in there showcasing the projects that
they worked on in their class and then
they had a list of pre-approved
questions that students could ask this
policy maker so a student would be like
reading from a script basically saying
what do you think about the future of
education and then the policy maker
would say their little buzz line for a
moment and then within five minutes they
were gone and then after that I never
saw those students again because I went
back to my actual School my actual
classes and those kids just kind of
continued to do their own thing so
policy makers who actually come into the
classroom sometimes and at least this
case come into an artificial classroom
and then policy makers walk away from
this going yeah this school was amazing
like look how great this was these kids
like asked such well-informed questions
that you know were pre-approved by my PR
team and look at all the fancy stuff
they have on the walls that they
certainly didn't put up the week before
I actually arrived there so not only
should like policymakers actually walk
into a class classroom to see what it's
like on a normal day and not just these
like scripted PR stunts but they should
actually like go in and figure out what
it's like to be a substitute for a day
or to teach for a day because you know
what it's a lot harder than the looks
there's an idea called the
apprenticeship of observation which is
basically a fancy way of saying hey
you've been in school for maybe 13 plus
years if you were in K-12 and you have
observed somebody you've been
apprenticed by all these Educators that
you have had you've looked at it and
gone I know how to teach I know what's
going on even though you've never asked
the teacher what are you thinking why
are you doing it this way and not this
way how is it that you would just
adjusted this lesson based off of what
students responded with blah blah blah
blah you've observed but you don't
understand the thinking behind it so
this creates an issue where policy
makers think they know what they're
talking about because they've observed
people teaching for decades and then
they go oh I know how to do that as well
I know it's best here's what worked for
me but what they don't see is somebody
like myself who has literally worked
with 1000 of students individually can
go well no the way that I'm teaching you
policymaker is going to be different
than I teach the person next to you
based off of their own needs their own
understandings their perspectives Etc so
long rant to basically say yeah there
needs to be way more teacher voice and
collaboration with people who have all
this external influence on what goes on
inside of the classroom because quite
frankly those people don't know what
they're talking about because they
haven't actually sat down and spoken
with Educators and they haven't actually
been in a classroom and experienced
things from a teacher's perspective I'll
end their aunt there if you want to hear
more on these perspectives check out the
my website now the last thing that chat
GPT mentioned is teacher well-being and
mental health support this is something
that I have over emphasized on this
particular podcast each year I release
an episode that is specifically on
burnout that takes all of the responses
from guests and says here's how these
individuals try and prevent burnout
working in the field of Education or as
a researcher Etc so make sure you check
out the links in the show notes for
those episodes if that is interesting to
you now the next question I ask both the
AI is how much should a public
elementary school computer science
educator be paid in Arizona with 10
years of experience and a Doctorate in
Education now Bard laughingly said that
the median salary for elementary school
teachers is 56 590 in 2020 and that
somebody with those experiences that I
just described should be making a salary
of seventy five thousand dollars or more
now again I have my contract here that
said that in the 2016-2017 school year I
was making 44
it's described on there today in today's
dollars I would be making if I had zero
experience forty nine thousand dollars
with a PhD in education or a maximum
again maximum of sixty one thousand
dollars with the 10 plus years of
experience that I have because they do
not count above 10 years but they do
account for the PHD so I would be making
sixty one thousand dollars if I was
still in the classroom but Bard is
suggesting that I should be making
seventy five thousand dollars or more
because of that experience in education
and as a researcher etcbt on the other
hand had a response that basically said
hey I don't really have access to
real-time data on salary so here are
some ways that you can figure that out
on your own you can check out the
Department of Education you can go to
school district websites or you can go
to a teachers union and I agree that is
how I'm able to find the the salary
information but it really kind of makes
me laugh it's just like so far off how
much the educator will be making in the
classroom if I was making seventy five
thousand dollars a year as an educator
that would have been sweet but again I
was making Thirty one thousand dollars
lesser than that now I took the same
question and I applied it to a private
elementary school educator so like in a
charter school and so for chat GPT again
it just basically said hey I can't
really figure that out but here are some
ways that you can do that but Bard said
that the salary range can be from fifty
thousand to a hundred thousand dollars
or more and that the median salary for a
elementary school teacher in private
schools was 72 000 now this is
fascinating because a lot of charter
schools a lot of private schools you
don't actually need to be certified to
become an educator in the school you
could literally have never taught a day
in your life never have a single degree
in education and you could just say hey
I have like a master's degree in
computer science I'm going to Now teach
your computer science class and then be
like cool here's 72 000 or whatever so
you could potentially make more with
less experience by working in a charter
or private school obviously mileage may
vary Etc depending on what school you're
working at let me know in the comments
on YouTube If you uh agree or disagree
with that that private school Educators
with potentially less experience should
be getting paid more or less than public
school teachers who have more experience
in background in education alright so
those were some of the questions that
were like broadly talking about
education now I want to narrow down to
talk about well Computer Science
Education in particular because this
podcast does focus on Computer Science
Education all right so the question that
I ask is what are the top five
pedagogies for teaching computer science
Bard responded with project-based
learning problem-based learning
approaches to computational thinking
which is apparently some kind of a
framework I've literally never heard of
this so it may be a hallucination and
just like coming up with computational
thinking and turning it into a framework
I even searched for it and I couldn't
find stuff on it just generic stuff
about computational thinking the fourth
amount was inductive inquiry and then
the last one was experiential learning
now if you want to like again see what
each of these are I do include them in
the show notes oddly enough Bard
responded with like here are some more
tips like on how to teach computer
science so one is to make things more
relevant one is to use more visuals make
it fun provide feedback and celebrate
successes again it just just reads as if
it was written by somebody who's like on
a marketing team who's never taught in a
day in their life but has read some
educational blogs about how to teach
computer science like if you look at the
make it fun it just has two sentences
and it says computer science should be
fun an exclamation point this can be
done by using games puzzles and other
activities okay and now I'm a phenomenal
educator thanks for that advice chat GPT
on the other hand had very similar
things these answers were more detailed
and less of a blog post from a marketing
team but again it had some of the
similar ideas just with like more Nuance
to them so so the suggestions are to use
project-based learning inquiry-based
learning Collaborative Learning flipped
classrooms and game-based learning but
one of the things that I really
appreciate at the end of this is the
following quote it's important to note
that these pedagogical approaches can be
combined or adapted based on the
specific needs of students the learning
objectives and the available resources
effective computer science instruction
often involves a blend of these
pedagogies along with integration of
Technology tools formative assessment
strategies and differentiation to meet
the needs of Learners end quote that was
actually a really good solid like
explanation of this I've talked about
this multiple times on the podcast
episodes that have come before this that
a multi-perspectable approach to
education is the way that I highly
recommend Educators approach things
approach things from many different
perspectives because what works for one
student or group of students might not
work for another student or groups of
students so if you can approach things
from many different ways have many
different paths Etc then this can be
very helpful so I'm actually happy to
see that chat gbt mentioned that in the
response on here for the top five
pedagogies for teaching computer science
now I followed up with each of the AI
and asked can you elaborate on how each
of these pedagogies elicit will be
beneficial for learning asking this a
Bard made it so that there were some
better answers for these different
approaches and kind of focused more on
how it actually would help students the
chap gbt gave four reasons for each of
the five pedagogies for why that it
would be useful for the students so chat
CPT again gave a significantly better
response to this and again if you want
to read what these like responses are
then check them out in the show notes
now one of the things is not discussed
enough quite frankly are the downsides
for using different pedagoges so I asked
both Bard and chat gbt what are the
downsides for each of the pedagogies
that they listed now Bard provided some
of the downsides and they also actually
provided some suggestions for how to
mitigate each of these downsides which
is something that I didn't ask for and
then chatgpt had some more nuances for
their answers than Bard did and
basically answered the questions now
here's like an example of how it
responded to this so for example in
Collaborative Learning quote unequal
conditions in Collaborative Learning
some students May contribute more or
less than others leading to imbalances
in workload and potential frustration
among group members conflict resolution
collaborative settings may present
challenges related to conflicts or
disagreements among students teachers
must facilitate effective communication
conflict resolution and Equitable
participation individual accountability
ensuring that each student is
accountable for their learning and
actively engaged in group activities can
be challenging in Collaborative Learning
environments end quote and again this is
like all things that I was kind of
ranting about earlier with Collaborative
Learning so that I felt like was
actually a pretty solid response as well
as like some of the discussions on
game-based learning like having done
Publications and research on like video
games and learning and whatnot like I
agree that game-based learning can be
really cool but there are some
significant downsides that are often not
discussed so chat cpt's response to
game-based learning and the downsides of
it was actually like pretty nuanced was
was pretty good which again you can find
in the show notes so the next question
I'm asked both the AI was how could
teachers make computer science classes
more Equitable so Bart mentioned that we
could use a variety of teaching methods
we could provide individualized support
we could use culturally relevant
examples create a welcoming environment
and be a role model they also provided
some additional tips for it which was
kind of like weird how it was phrased
but they said to be aware of your own
biases create a space for students to
share their experiences provide
opportunities for students to
collaborate and celebrate students
successes by making them I like feel
like they belong now let's go back to
the beware of your own biases this was
interesting quote teachers should be
aware of their own biases and how they
might be affecting their teaching for
example teachers who are not familiar
with coding might be more likely to call
on students who they think are good at
coding even if those students are not
from underrepresented groups end quote
so this was actually like a pretty
decent response like I'm surprised that
it did mention that and like I actually
would advise that other Educators become
more aware of their own biases is
something that I actively try and do but
again it's one of those things where
it's like what 10 years from now am I
going to be appalled that I'm I believe
or think now and obviously I don't know
that so stay tuned folks chatgpt had
again some more nuances and whatnot but
the different recommendations that they
get gave for making classes more
Equitable was to have an inclusive
curriculum and instruction addressing
stereotypes and bias improving access
and infrastructure having a more
supportive classroom environment and
Community engagement and Outreach all
these have like three to four different
suggestions on how you can do that for
each one of these so for example on your
inclusive curriculum and instruction
chat GPT mentioned quote select diverse
and inclusive learning resources
materials and examples that represent a
range of cultural perspectives and
backgrounds incorporate projects coding
exercises and problem solving tasks that
relate to students's interests and
experiences ensuring relevance and
engagement for all Learners use multiple
instructional strategies and modalities
to accommodate diverse learning styles
and preferences provide clear and
structured instructions to support
students who may require additional
guidance or clarification end quote all
of those I agree with I like honestly
I'm kind of surprised at how well the
chat GPT in particular can provide a
pretty decent answer for some questions
like honestly a lot of the responses
that I'm getting here could have been
found in like educational journals for
like practitioners it's not quite at the
Nuance yet of an academic based
publication like for researchers and
Scholars and whatnot but I imagine in
that depending on the prompts that you
give it and the writing styles that you
ask it to write in it might be able to
elaborate on this like hey can you write
this from like a graduate student's
perspective as opposed to like
undergraduate's perspective now I wanted
to get into some more provocative
questions so I ask a question why should
all students learn computer science
because I've talked about on this
podcast even though I love computer
science Computer Science Education I
don't think everyone should learn any
subject area same thing with like music
my bachelor's Masters and PhD are all in
music education but I don't think
everyone should do music or music
education I think it depends on like
what your interests are and what you
want to do but I also think that there
shouldn't be required classes in general
so I wanted to see what would AI kind of
summarize as why people think students
should learn computer science now this
was very like markety very buzzwordy so
it's talking about computer science as a
foundational skill it can be a creative
field that it's a problem-solving field
it's collaborative and it's fun but it
also said computer science can solve
quote real world problems such as
climate change or poverty end quote I'm
looking forward to the day when computer
science solves climate change and
poverty but I'm not holding my breath on
that now Chachi PT on the other hand
said that students should learn computer
science because of digital literacy and
essential skills problem solving and
critical thinking there are career
opportunities you can engage in
creativity and Innovation because of
computational thinking and algorithmic
mindsets because of empowering digital
citizenship interdisciplinary
connections technological literacy and
adaptability as well as addressing
equity and access all of these in my
opinion were very buzzwordy and didn't
really have much substance to the
thoughts behind them so for example A
Bard's response to why computer science
is a foundational skill it says quote
computer science is a foundational skill
that is essential for success in today's
world computers are used in almost every
aspect of Our Lives from work to school
to entertainment by learning computer
science students can develop the skills
they need to be successful in the 21st
century end quote that was a whole lot
of nothing it sounds great like some
kind of like a CEO executive or whatever
is going to be like yeah this is why we
should learn this thing but if you
substitute the word computer science
with technology or computer or phone or
whatever it works just as well like
nothing about computer science Concepts
and practices was actually mentioned in
there and Chachi BT's response it does
say that you can figure out how things
work and to have a better understanding
of like digital tools and whatnot so
that's at least some nuance and it's not
just talking about computers at large
but having like been on some Grant
reviews and whatnot for like the
Department of Education for several
million dollars sometimes I've seen some
of the applications where people will
talk about computer science as if it's
just using a computer like conflating
the idea that learning how to use
PowerPoint is going to help you learn
and understand computer science those
are two very different things in my
opinion so again this was very buzzwordy
and didn't really have much substance to
it now trying to probe it a little bit
more because I like to probe the general
discourse around computer science and
why it's like the most important thing
in the world for some people and why
everyone in the world apparently needs
to learn it I asked the question for the
AI should someone learn computer science
if they are not going to be a
professional computer scientist and so
both the AI said yes but they just
listed off basically saying some of the
same stuff like Bard was like it's a
foundational skill you need to learn how
to use computers it's a creative thing
it's problem solving it's collaborative
and it's fun then it ended with this
quote quote even if you don't want to be
professional computer scientist learning
computer science can still help you in
your career many jobs now require some
level of computer skills and learning
computer science can give you a
Competitive Edge additionally computer
science can help you develop critical
thinking problem solving and
communication skills that are valuable
in any field if you're interested in
learning more about computer science
there are many resources available
online and in libraries you can also
take classes at local community college
or university with a little effort you
can learn the basics of computer science
and start using these skills to improve
your life end quote again that was a
nothing Burger there was like really no
substance to that but that right there
kind of summarizes like the general
discourse that I I often see discussed
with like technology in education
computer science Educators take it one
step further and actually talk about
okay well instead of just using devices
which is basically all Bard was talking
about you can learn how to program those
devices which is useful for upcoming
jobs and that's mainly the argument that
is used I like to focus on the other
side of things balance things out a
little bit more and say yeah you can
also use it for leisure like I propose
to my wife by modding the video game
Minecraft I added our dogs to it I added
custom purple armor because that's her
favorite color all sorts of like fun
things into it I'll include a link in
the show notes if you want to see the
video of some of the stuff that I added
into it and it was great I loved it I
did it for fun well and you know to get
married but then there are other like
games and like tools that I made for
myself and none of it was made for money
or monetary gain Etc so yeah you can
focus on that side of things the career
side of things but also you can focus on
well if you're not gonna like do this as
a profession you can still do this for
fun you can engage in modding video
games if you want to just like do that
in your leisure or just create apps that
would be helpful for you in your
everyday life again chat CPT basically
responded with yes it's important and
here are some reasons why and they were
like fairly generic reasons again you
can engage in problem solving yeah well
is computer science the best way to
engage in problem solving that would be
relevant to that individual learner
who's not actually interested in
computer science maybe maybe not though
there are other ways you can engage in
problem solving and all the other things
that are listed on here without actually
using computers so I followed up with
both the AI and asked okay well what
prevents students from being interested
in computer science I responded by
saying that there are perceptions that
computer science can be difficult that
there's a lack of female role models or
lack of diversity and that there are
negative stereotypes that it's like
boring in a solitary field Etc so
provide some suggestions on things that
can be done to address those and you can
check those out in the show notes now
chat GPT had a several more examples of
what prevents students from being
interested in computer science so
mentions that there's a lack of
awareness unlike the potential careers
you can have in compete with computer
science as well as like the different
concepts and it's real world
applications of computer science also
talks about different stereotypes and
perceived incompatibility limited role
models and representation inadequate
preparation perceived Notions of
difficulty a lack of engaging in
relevant curriculum there are gender and
cultural biases and then there's a
limited access to resources and
opportunities such as like technology
quality instruction extracurricular
etc etc I do agree with all these These
are are different reasons why people
might not be interested in computer
science but I'd also like to add that
some students are not interested in
computer science because they're more
interested in other areas so for example
if you are a computer science educator
why did you go into this field as
opposed to other fields that other
people went into I went into music
education and now have been in computer
science education for the better part of
the last decade so I'm technically in
two Fields simultaneously but I've also
as of like January have been working on
gaming stuff as a streamer as a content
creator and whatnot for my YouTube
channel Channel and my website so I
technically have had like three distinct
careers but that's three out of the
millions of other careers and domains I
could have gone into so same thing for
this like just because a student is not
interested in computer science it
doesn't necessarily mean that they have
to be in my opinion it's okay if they're
interested in other areas like cool you
want to be a physical therapist then be
the best physical therapist you can be
cool if you want to be a dentist then be
the best dentist you can be if you want
to be a therapist be the best therapist
you can be and computer science may or
may not intersect with that but it's
okay if it doesn't in my opinion and you
can disagree with me in the comment
section on YouTube now the next question
that I ask AI is how can teachers learn
how to teach computer science classes if
they don't have a background in computer
science I was curious honestly if like
the responses from Bard and chat GPT
would kind of align with some of the
different approaches that I use because
I use several different perspectives
again the multi-perspective approach try
and look at learning from many different
angles and whatnot so Bard mentions you
can take a computer science class you
can read computer science books and
articles you can attend computer science
conferences and workshops I'd argue that
csda is a fantastic way to do that you
can also connect with other teachers who
are teaching computer science you can
use online resources like Khan Academy and scratch which there are a
lot of podcasts that are dedicated to
talking about scratch so check those out
in the show notes and then it provides
some suggestions for learning how to
teach it so start small use Hands-On
activities and be patient I agree with
all those you can start small like focus
on a specific project that is
interesting to you you don't necessarily
have to start with a course but say I
want to be able to do X Y or Z and in
order to do that I'm gonna need to learn
a b and c where can I go to learn a b
and c so that way I can do X Y or Z
Etc if you approach it that way with a
very specific project that is
interesting to you you might be more
likely to stick with it in the long haul
rather than signing up for a course and
going wow it's going to take like six
weeks to get to something I'm actually
interested in so instead I'm just gonna
you know not learn this thing I also
agree with the Hands-On activities like
there are so many times that I watched a
video and then I went and actually tried
it in an IDE so a development
environment where I was like oh wow I
don't actually understand this thing I
thought I understood this concept and
then when I actually tried to do it like
I completely failed and so then you've
got to watch more videos or read more
documentation to figure out why it
didn't work because the instructor of
that particular video or resource that
you did go through didn't actually
mention all the ways that it could go
wrong and then be patient totally agree
with that like it takes time don't beat
yourself up if you aren't uh completely
fluent in whatever programming languages
within like the first week especially if
you know you're working full time now
chat GPT mentioned that okay if somebody
who is new to computer science and wants
to learn how to do computer science in
the classroom you can do professional
development workshops and courses you
can do some online resources and
tutorials like CS unplugged scratch and were specifically mentioned you
can engage in collaboration and
networking I'd argue the csta community
is a great way that you can do that
there's discussion boards Etc there's
also your local chapters check out the
interview with Jason bour which is
episode 82 and is titled Lessons Learned
From csta chapters across the United
States with Jason bour if you want to
learn more about that I also mentioned
Partnerships and mentoring this was
interesting so this was like partnering
with like a local business University or
like industry professionals to have
people come in and kind of like provide
some guest instruction or lectures Etc
or kind of like Mentor you through this
process so that way you can learn on
your own I do know some people who like
doing stuff like that who are in the
field and want to show you oh you want
to learn about CS content knowledge I
can help you with that you can't
necessarily help you with how to teach
it but I can help you with how to learn
computer science and then you can figure
out how to teach it they also mentioned
there are many curriculum and resources
that can align with this you can engage
in peer learning and communities of
practice but I kind of Wonder okay how
is that different than collaboration and
networking and then the last thing that
chat GPD mentions is continuous learning
and reflection I totally agree with that
like it's never going to end if you're
going into any kind of tech related or
even steam or STEM related field it's
likely going to be changing quite
frequently then you're going to need to
be able to continue to learn and improve
as an educator and reflect on what's
working well what can you improve Etc
and you can do that at the end of like
each lesson or day or unit project
semester year Etc like having those
different periods can kind of reflect on
the micro like the daily or the lesson
that happened as well as the macro like
how did the unit go or how did the
semester go and kind of making smaller
and larger changes I think is generally
beneficial for educators to engage in I
highly recommend doing that all right
another question that I ask the AI is
what is computational thinking and why
is it being taught now Bart's response
was quite frankly not very good but at
the beginning it says quote
conversational thinking is a
problem-solving approach that uses
abstraction decomposition pattern
recognition algorithms and evaluation it
is a way of thinking that can be used to
solve problems in any domain not just
computer science end quote that is a
very generic high level statement on
what computational thinking is but the
rest of the responses quite frankly
didn't really do a great job explaining
it so let's go to chat GPT chatgpt
describes computational thinking as
quote a problem-solving approach
inspired by the principles used in
computer science it involves breaking
down complex problems into smaller more
manageable components formulating
algorithms or step-by-step procedures to
solve them and utilizing logical and
systematic thinking to arrive at
Solutions computational thinking
encompasses a set of skills and
strategies that are transferable across
various domains not just limited to
computer science end quote then it goes
on to say well here are some of like the
main aspects of computational thinking
there's decomposition pattern
recognition abstraction algorithmic
design algorithmic evaluation and that
is being taught in schools because it
helps with problem-solving skills
because of digital literacy and
technological understanding because it
helps prepare for future careers because
of critical and logical thinking because
of creativity and Innovation integration
with course subjects and future proofing
students again with all of these like
there's like a paragraph for each one of
those things that I just quickly read
off and you can read the whole thing in
the show notes additional thinking is
one of those terms that like so many
people just get really uptight about
like they have their one way of
understanding this term and it's likely
not in alignment with everybody else's
understanding of that term because of
that there's just constant budding of
heads back and forth well what is it is
it thinking is it a literacy is it a set
of tools is it a process is it a
framework blah blah blah blah and
because there's really no one consensus
on this I'm curious if your
understanding of computational thinking
aligned with either Bard's short
definition or chat gpt's definition as
well as the different
aspects of computational thinking what
was left out what was included that
you're like yeah that totally lines or I
disagree with that now I wanted to dive
a little bit deeper with this idea of
computational thinking so I asked AI to
list five examples of computational
thinking and in this scenario Bart
actually did better with this so thank
you Bart I appreciate you please spare
me when you take over the world so
here's an example decomposition quote
breaking down a problem into smaller
more manageable steps for example if you
were trying to program a robot to walk
you might break the problem down into
steps like moving the legs moving the
arms and balancing the body end quote
now these examples are provided for
pattern recognition abstraction
algorithms and evaluation so if you want
to see what the examples are for each
one of those they're actually pretty
decent chat GPT also provided some good
examples of computational thinking so
saying creating a recipe solving a
Sudoku puzzle planning a route
developing an app or conducting data
analysis and so for each one of these
they list like a sentence or two kind of
explaining how each one of those
examples is an example of computational
thinking according to our future AI
overlords the next question that I asked
AI is write me a lesson that teaches an
elementary student how to create a short story this was
fascinating folks as somebody who has
developed over 100 lesson plans that's
used by hundreds of thousands of
students and thousands of teachers
around the world this was something that
I did professionally for the past like
six or so years before I decided to
leave that organization to be able to
create content on my website and YouTube
channel like this podcast as well as all
the gaming and drumming stuff most of my
lesson plans averaged maybe about 12
Pages worth of content because there was
so much information provided for that
range of like experienced educator or
somebody who is brand new to not only
teaching but also brand new to computer
science so there's a ton of resources
and and what not to try and support them
I would argue that these lesson plans
are great for an intermediate to
Advanced Computer Science educator who
has taught computer science for a couple
years and I was like yeah I got this I
understand it just give me some of the
the main points and I'll be able to
figure this out the lesson plans that
both Bart and chap GPT would not be
helpful for somebody who's brand new to
computer science they look at this and
go okay well how do I do that or wait
what what am I supposed to do here
before a typical educator the fact that
this was able to just like pump out a
lesson plan that had objectives and
materials introduction brainstorming
storyboarding a coding session a testing
session sharing it had assessments it
had extensions conclusions Etc all of
that to be popped out of an AI within a
matter of moments was quite frankly
impressive because I spent months just
working on individual releases of like
Junior literally months of full-time
work just working on that and then AI is
able to just like pump out an outline
really fast like if I had said hey can
you write this for somebody who's never
taught computer science before or never
taught a day in their life what would AI
be able to do like 10 years from now
would they be able to get the same level
of quality and level of detail that I
had with the 12 Pages or so on average
of lesson plan content that I created
for each one of the projects we'll find
out I wouldn't be surprised if it can do
that but that being said this stuff was
very generic like if we look at the
assessment for Bard it says that quote
students will be assessed on their
ability to create a short scratch story
they will be evaluated on their
creativity their coding skills and their
ability to follow instructions end quote
Yeah and how are you going to do that
what about their creativity what
specifically in their coding skills are
you looking at and what instructions are
they being asked to follow in their
particular projects so there's like zero
support in all of that that's just
something that is just like oh yeah
we're gonna do this thing and an
administrator is going to be like cool
how are you going to do that it's not
going to go over well other examples of
just like generic stuff that I would say
is like not great advice was like in the
introduction Bard mentioned quote
introduce scratch to students and
explain that it is a programming
language that can be used to create
interactive stories games and animations
show students some examples of scratch
project that have been created by other
students end quote okay like what kinds
of scratch projects like if I were
writing that I'd say show students
examples of stories that were created in
scratch and here is a link to a studio
that has like 10 different stories as
examples that you can share with your
students from simple to complex
something like that would have been nice
in this kind of lesson plan but again
for just creating an outline really fast
prior curriculum developer still I would
probably go into this and just be like
write me out an outline for something
I'm not familiar with and then I can
fill in the blanks with like oh a new
teacher might need more support here or
there so I do see a lot of like people
using this in the future now chat CPT on
the other hand had some interesting
little improvements to it like for the
introduction you're going to spend about
you view you're going to spend about
five minutes on this and you're going to
quote show them how to access and introduce the
different components such as the stage
Sprites and blocks in quote then it goes
on to say specific blocks that you're
even going to point out like the wind
green flag has clicked the say and the
weight block which all three of those
are fantastic things that you would use
in an actual story in scratch so like
hands down chat GPT is like pretty solid
for giving you a very like Bare Bones
lesson plan on scratch but Bard was just
more of like a generic lesson plan and
it wasn't really clear if Byrd actually
knew what scratch was other than a
coding platform Chachi PT also expanded
this and so it had that like the
introduction okay here's what scratches
then it had a brainstorming and planning
phase which is for 10 minutes then it
had creating the story for 20 minutes
and it like showed you here's how to use
the broadcast here's when the when the
green flag is clicked like it it had
some nuances in there I was like all
right we're getting closer we're getting
warmer but then it had adding an
interactivity for like a 10 minute
section so this is talking about like
how to make a more complicated story
with programming so not just like making
it so that when you press a green flag
it just like does does this thing and
your story is over but actually making
it so that you can have like different
choices that affect the plot that was a
really cool addition that chat gbt added
that makes things much more creative and
much more interactive for the user and
for the student and whatnot who would
create this so again you can see this
like full lesson plans for both Bard and
chap gbt in the show notes here's where
things get really interesting I then had
the exact same prompt but I added with
the words about algorithmic bias so the
prompt to both Bard and Chachi PT was
write me a lesson that teaches an
elementary student how to create a short story about algorithmic
bias here is what Bard said quote I'm
unable to help as I am only a language
model and don't have the ability to
process and understand that end quote
that's it nothing else is provided other
than that single sentence jat gbt on the
other hand provided basically a very
similar lesson plan as was previously
written without the words about rhythmic
a bias but it included some comments in
here like quote show examples of
algorithmic bias in real life scenarios
such as biased facial recognition
systems or gender biased job application
algorithms end quote that is actually
like two really good examples that are
often discussed in computer science so
this was nice that chat gbt was actually
able to include that whereas Bard was
not able to do that or was unwilling to
do that which is fascinating because I
then took that exact same sentence and
added in a little bit more after that
original sentence and we get write me a
lesson plan that teaches an elementary
student how to create a short scratch
that story about algorithmic
bias that's all the same while
encouraging students to incorporate
their own interests needs desires Etc in
the story suddenly with that addition in
there Bard was actually able to create a
lesson plan until it again populates out
the lesson plan specifically about all
the algorithmic bias and ads and stuff
like quote encourage them to think about
their own interests needs and desires
when coming up with ideas some possible
story ideas include a story about a
student who is denied a loan because of
their race or gender a story about a job
applicant who is not hired because of
their age or disability a story about a
person who is targeted by online
advertising because of their political
beliefs end quote so Bard was actually
able to do it but not when it only
focused on algorithmic bias but when I
stead said hey focus on algorithmic bias
but allow students to express themselves
basically through the project so that
was really weird I don't know why that
was the response to it and then Chachi
BT also was able to do this and so it
included some like more forms of
algorithmic bias while also encouraging
students to be able to kind of Express
themselves and explore their own
interest in the project itself so
overall the more specific you can be
with the lesson plans the more at least
in this very small set of lesson plans
that I asked for the more you're
actually going to be able to get from
the different AI that you are
potentially collaborating with when
creating your own content now the very
last question that I ask both the AI was
based on the kinds of questions I've
already asked today what questions
should I ask you next and this is
something that I think like can be done
in general when engaging in these like
discussions or collaborations with AIS
to figure out okay based on the series
of questions like what have I not asked
that I probably should that I'm not
necessarily thinking of now Bart kind of
like failed right here so it's suggested
questions like quote what is the
difference between Ai and ml how does
llms work what are some of the
applications of NLP what are some of the
challenges of ml what is the future of
data science what are some of the best
programming languages to learn end quote
now llm is large language models like
chat gbt and Bard NLP is natural
language processing ml is machine
learning okay so it does provide a
little guide for you in in that response
to that those questions quite frankly
were not very interesting chat GPT on
the other hand gave five different
categories of questions that I could
have followed up with so there's a
category of strategies for teaching
computer science so one of the three
questions that I gave was what are some
resources or tools that can support
Hands-On learning in computer science
under the ethical considerations in
technology it had three questions and
again here's one of them are there any
emerging ethical issues related to
artificial intelligence that students
should be aware of that's a good
question another category is
professional development for teachers so
again I gave three different questions
and so one of them is how can teachers
without a computer science background
receive support in teaching computer
science effectively the next category is
integrating computer science across the
curriculum and there's three questions
for this one of them is how can computer
science Concepts be integrated into
subjects like math science or language
arts and then the last category is on
engaging underrepresented groups in
computer science and so one of the three
questions is how can we address the
gender or diversity Gap in the tech
industry from An Early Education
perspective and again if you want to see
the other questions that I left out on
there in the shout outs
com for this particular episode I
include every single one of the prompts
and every single one of the responses
from both Bard and chat gbt because it's
over 50 pages worth of content it's just
a click to expand and it'll show you
exactly what the response was now what's
fascinating is you can actually just
like basically refresh the response to
get a different answer in here so I do
see this as a really interesting way for
Content creators whether you're like a
presenter or a someone who publishes or
somebody who creates like videos like or
a podcast or whatever you could totally
use these different AI platforms to put
in a a prompt or a question and just get
some general ideas of topics that you
can discuss at this point it's not
necessarily at the point where it can
get Beyond like the marketing buzzwordy
responses for a lot of the prompts that
you're going to give it but it can at
least point in a direction of oh that
one out of those five ideas is actually
a really neat idea that I can elaborate
on and expand upon in the presentation
publication Etc I personally am going to
start using chat GPT in particular
because it was quite frankly better than
Bard but both of them and kind of like
just hitting the refresh button on
different questions and prompts just so
I can get some different perspectives
because again large language models are
basically synthesizing discourse across
many different areas and kind of like
repackaging it in a new way and
basically saying here is like a summary
of this idea it's not necessarily right
or wrong depending on what kind of
you're asking it but it's at least like
predicting here's what somebody might
say if they are sort of knowledgeable
about this topic area and then as a
content creator I can then go into this
and go cool I want to take this and use
this so if you're an educator and you
are like have been teaching computer
science for a couple years and maybe
there's like a new thing that happens
that's like a related to current events
you could go into something like chat
chippy Dean like hey write me this like
quick lesson plan on this thing that is
relevant to students right now and then
that way you can get a very quick
outline and you can fill in the blanks
in there and go okay I'm gonna change
this I'm gonna add this to here I'm
gonna make this more relevant to this
particular individual etc etc so I do
see this as being a very helpful tool
for educators for Content creators Etc
and again content creators however you
think of that whether you like present
at csta which is going to happen here in
July or you like publish on your own
blog or create podcast or whatever I
think this is helpful I also think it's
helpful for students but there's going
to be some coaching that needs to occur
so that way students realize that AI is
not here to solve the answer for you but
is something that you can collaborate
with and then you can then modify and
add to and expand upon what the AI
created rather than just copy and paste
cool I'm done with my homework
assignment don't need to write any more
essays etc those are my own thoughts and
Rants and whatnot on these particular
questions if you have your own thoughts
that you'd like to share you can share
them in the comments section on YouTube
this episode was very different from all
the other unpacking scholarship episodes
and interviews that I've done but I hope
you enjoyed this this conversation was
informed by discussions with GT Rubble
Sarah Judd and John Stapleton thank you
for the three of you all of whom have
been interviewed on this podcast so you
can listen to their interviews by just
clicking the links in the show notes for
this particular episode stay tuned next
week for a podcast episode that's also
going to be a little bit different where
I'm actually going to talk about some
suggestions for how you can get started
in computer science without actually
having to pay for paid professional
development so stay tuned for that if
you enjoyed this episode please consider
sharing with somebody else or leaving a
like on YouTube or a review on whatever
app that you're listening to the song
like an apple podcast or something like
that it just helps more people find it
but again the best thing that you could
possibly do is to share it with somebody
else there are hundreds if not thousands
of more free computer science education
resources on my website
as well as over 1500 hours of free
drumming content and a bunch of gaming
content as well but it's all neatly
organized so if you're interested in
just one of those areas you don't have
to see any of the other stuff thank you
so much for listening to this episode
and potentially sharing it with somebody
else stay tuned for an episode next week
until then I hope you're all staying
safe and are having a wonderful week
Prompts and responses (click to expand)
1. What will teaching and learning look like ten years from now?
Teaching and learning will look very different in 10 years. Here are some of the changes that we can expect:
Personalized learning. Students will have more control over their own learning paths, and they will be able to learn at their own pace and in their own way. This will be facilitated by the use of educational technologies such as adaptive learning software and online learning platforms.
More emphasis on critical thinking and problem solving. In today's world, it is more important than ever for students to be able to think critically and solve problems. Schools will place more emphasis on these skills, and they will use a variety of methods to teach them, such as project-based learning and problem-based learning.
More collaboration and teamwork. In the future, the workplace will be increasingly collaborative, and schools will prepare students for this by emphasizing collaboration and teamwork in the classroom. Students will be given opportunities to work together on projects and assignments, and they will learn how to communicate effectively and resolve conflict.
More use of technology. Technology will play an increasingly important role in education in the future. Teachers will use technology to deliver instruction, and students will use it to learn and collaborate. Technology will also be used to assess student learning and to provide feedback.
More focus on global citizenship. In the future, students will need to be prepared to live and work in a globalized world. Schools will place more emphasis on global citizenship by teaching students about different cultures and perspectives. Students will also be given opportunities to learn about global issues and to take action to make a difference in the world.
These are just some of the changes that we can expect to see in teaching and learning in 10 years. The future of education is bright, and it is exciting to think about the possibilities.
Predicting the future with certainty is challenging, but we can speculate on potential trends and advancements in teaching and learning based on current developments. Here are some possibilities for what teaching and learning might look like ten years from now:
Personalized Learning: With advancements in technology and the increasing availability of data, education could become more tailored to individual students' needs. Adaptive learning systems, AI tutors, and intelligent educational software could be utilized to create personalized learning paths for students, catering to their strengths, weaknesses, and interests.
Blended Learning Environments: The integration of technology into education will likely continue to grow. Blended learning models, combining in-person instruction with online resources, could become the norm. Virtual classrooms, video conferencing, and online collaboration tools would enable remote learning and foster global connections among students and educators.
Emphasis on Critical Thinking and Problem Solving: As the world becomes more complex and dynamic, the focus of education may shift towards developing students' critical thinking, problem-solving, and creative skills. Rote memorization might be de-emphasized in favor of cultivating students' abilities to analyze, synthesize, and evaluate information.
Lifelong Learning and Upskilling: The rapid pace of technological advancements and evolving job markets may require individuals to continually update their skills and knowledge throughout their lives. Education systems might incorporate lifelong learning approaches, offering flexible programs and resources for upskilling and reskilling workers to adapt to changing demands.
Collaboration and Project-Based Learning: Collaborative learning experiences and project-based approaches could gain prominence. Students may engage in hands-on, interdisciplinary projects that mirror real-world challenges, promoting teamwork, communication, and practical application of knowledge.
Gamification and Immersive Experiences: Gamification elements, such as rewards, achievements, and interactive simulations, could be integrated into educational activities to enhance engagement and motivation. Virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) technologies might provide immersive learning experiences, allowing students to explore and interact with subjects in a more interactive and memorable way.
Data-Driven Education: The collection and analysis of educational data could become more prevalent. Educators may leverage learning analytics and assessment data to gain insights into student progress, identify areas of improvement, and make data-informed decisions to enhance teaching effectiveness and student outcomes.
Cultural and Global Awareness: Education could place a greater emphasis on fostering cultural understanding, empathy, and global citizenship. Students may have more opportunities to engage with diverse perspectives, learn about different cultures, and develop a sense of social responsibility and global interconnectedness.
It's important to note that these predictions are speculative, and the future of teaching and learning will depend on various factors, including technological advancements, societal changes, and educational policies. Flexibility, adaptability, and a focus on nurturing essential skills will likely be key in preparing students for the challenges and opportunities of the future.
- How is that different from today?
Here are some of the key differences between teaching and learning today and what we can expect in 10 years:
Personalized learning: Today, students typically learn in a one-size-fits-all classroom setting. In 10 years, students will have more control over their own learning paths, and they will be able to learn at their own pace and in their own way. This will be facilitated by the use of educational technologies such as adaptive learning software and online learning platforms.
More emphasis on critical thinking and problem solving: Today, many schools focus on teaching students to memorize facts. In 10 years, schools will place more emphasis on teaching students to think critically and solve problems. This will be important in a world where information is constantly changing and where students will need to be able to think for themselves and come up with creative solutions.
More collaboration and teamwork: Today, students typically work on individual projects. In 10 years, students will be given more opportunities to work together on projects and assignments. This will help them to develop their collaboration and teamwork skills, which will be important in the future workplace.
More use of technology: Today, technology is often used in the classroom as a supplement to traditional instruction. In 10 years, technology will play a more central role in education. Teachers will use technology to deliver instruction, and students will use it to learn and collaborate. Technology will also be used to assess student learning and to provide feedback.
More focus on global citizenship: Today, many schools focus on teaching students about their own culture. In 10 years, schools will place more emphasis on teaching students about different cultures and perspectives. This will help students to become more global citizens and to understand the world around them.
Overall, teaching and learning in 10 years will be more personalized, focused on critical thinking and problem solving, collaborative, technology-rich, and globalized. These changes will help students to develop the skills they need to succeed in the future.
While some of the trends mentioned in the previous response are already present in today's educational landscape, there are several key differences that may become more pronounced or evolve over the next ten years. Here's a comparison between the projected future and the current state of teaching and learning:
Personalized Learning: Personalized learning is already gaining traction today, but it is often limited to specific schools or programs. In the future, advancements in technology and data analysis may allow for more widespread implementation of personalized learning approaches, tailoring education to the individual needs of each student.
Blended Learning Environments: Blended learning, combining in-person and online components, is already being used in many educational settings. However, the COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated its adoption and highlighted the need for remote learning options. In the future, we may see a more seamless integration of virtual classrooms, online resources, and interactive tools to create more effective blended learning experiences.
Emphasis on Critical Thinking and Problem Solving: While critical thinking and problem-solving skills have always been important, there is a growing recognition of their significance in today's rapidly changing world. Efforts to promote these skills are being made, but the future may see a stronger shift away from traditional rote memorization methods towards more active learning approaches that foster critical thinking and problem-solving abilities.
Lifelong Learning and Upskilling: Lifelong learning has been increasingly emphasized in recent years, and the need for upskilling and reskilling is becoming more evident. However, the pace of technological advancement suggests that lifelong learning will become even more crucial in the future, with education systems adapting to provide flexible and accessible opportunities for individuals to continually update their skills.
Collaboration and Project-Based Learning: Collaborative learning and project-based approaches are already being implemented in many classrooms. However, the future may see a greater emphasis on interdisciplinary projects, real-world applications, and global collaborations, leveraging technology to connect students and educators across geographical boundaries.
Gamification and Immersive Experiences: Gamification and immersive technologies are still in the early stages of adoption in education. As these technologies become more accessible and affordable, we may see greater integration of game elements and immersive experiences to enhance engagement, motivation, and the overall learning process.
Data-Driven Education: Educational data analytics and learning analytics are already being utilized to some extent, but their full potential is yet to be realized. In the future, advancements in data collection, analysis techniques, and privacy regulations may enable more comprehensive and actionable insights, allowing educators to make data-driven decisions and tailor instruction to individual student needs.
Cultural and Global Awareness: Global awareness and cultural understanding are already valued in many educational curricula. However, with an increasingly interconnected world, the future may see a stronger focus on nurturing these skills, fostering empathy, and promoting cross-cultural communication to prepare students for a globalized society.
It's worth noting that the pace of change and adoption varies across educational systems and regions, so the extent to which these differences manifest will depend on various factors such as infrastructure, resources, and educational policies.
2. What is the role of artificial intelligence in teaching and learning?
Artificial intelligence (AI) is rapidly changing the world, and education is no exception. AI has the potential to revolutionize teaching and learning by making it more personalized, engaging, and effective.
Here are some of the ways that AI is being used in education today:
Personalized learning: AI can be used to create personalized learning experiences for students. This means that students can learn at their own pace and in their own way, based on their individual needs and interests.
Adaptive learning: AI can be used to create adaptive learning materials that adjust to the student's level of understanding. This means that students can get the help they need when they need it, without having to wait for the teacher.
Virtual tutors: AI can be used to create virtual tutors that can answer students' questions and provide feedback. This can be especially helpful for students who need extra help or who are learning remotely.
Assessment: AI can be used to assess student learning in a more accurate and efficient way. This can help teachers to identify students who are struggling and to provide them with the help they need.
Research: AI can be used to conduct research on education and to develop new teaching methods. This can help to improve the quality of education for all students.
Artificial intelligence (AI) can play a significant role in transforming teaching and learning in several ways:
Personalized Learning: AI algorithms can analyze vast amounts of data to create personalized learning experiences for students. By adapting content, pacing, and difficulty levels to individual students' needs, AI-powered educational platforms can provide tailored instruction, ensuring that students receive the right level of challenge and support.
Intelligent Tutoring: AI tutors can provide individualized guidance and support to students. These virtual assistants can answer questions, provide explanations, and offer feedback, mimicking the role of a human tutor. AI tutors can be available 24/7, providing on-demand assistance to students whenever they need it.
Automated Grading and Feedback: AI can automate the grading process for certain types of assessments, such as multiple-choice questions or coding exercises. This saves teachers time and allows for faster feedback to students. AI-powered systems can also provide detailed feedback, highlighting areas for improvement and offering targeted suggestions to help students progress.
Natural Language Processing (NLP): NLP enables computers to understand and generate human language. AI-powered chatbots or virtual assistants can engage in conversations with students, answering questions, providing explanations, and engaging in interactive dialogue. NLP can also be used to develop language learning applications, language translation tools, and speech recognition systems.
Data Analysis and Learning Analytics: AI can analyze large datasets generated by students' interactions with educational platforms, helping identify patterns, trends, and insights. This data analysis can inform instructional design, provide feedback on student progress, and assist in identifying areas where additional support or intervention may be needed.
Content Recommendation and Curation: AI algorithms can recommend relevant learning resources, books, articles, or videos based on students' interests, learning styles, and previous interactions. This helps students discover new materials and fosters self-directed learning.
Intelligent Content Creation: AI can assist in generating educational content, such as automated lesson plans, quizzes, or interactive simulations. It can also provide assistance in creating adaptive learning materials that adjust to individual student needs.
Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality: AI-powered virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) technologies can provide immersive and interactive learning experiences. These technologies can simulate real-world scenarios, allowing students to explore and interact with subjects in a more engaging and practical manner.
It's important to note that while AI has the potential to enhance teaching and learning, it is not intended to replace human educators. Rather, AI can complement and support teachers by automating routine tasks, providing insights, and offering personalized assistance, thereby enabling educators to focus more on individualized instruction, mentoring, and fostering human connection in the classroom.
3. Why are teachers leaving the field and what can be done to prevent that?
There are many reasons why teachers are leaving the field. Some of the most common reasons include:
Low pay: Teachers are often underpaid for the amount of work they do. According to the National Education Association, the average teacher salary in the United States is $61,730. This is significantly lower than the average salary for other professionals with a college degree.
Heavy workload: Teachers often have a heavy workload, which can lead to stress and burnout. They are responsible for planning lessons, grading papers, and managing a classroom of students. They may also be required to work long hours outside of school, such as attending meetings or planning for field trips.
Lack of support: Teachers often feel unsupported by their schools and administrators. They may not have the resources they need to do their jobs effectively, such as small class sizes or access to technology. They may also feel like they are not being heard or that their concerns are not being addressed.
Unruly students: Teachers may be dealing with unruly students who are disruptive and disrespectful. This can be a major source of stress and can make it difficult to teach effectively.
Parental involvement: Some teachers feel like they do not have enough support from parents. Parents may not be involved in their children's education or may not be supportive of the teacher's methods.
There are a number of things that can be done to prevent teachers from leaving the field. These include:
Increase teacher pay: Increasing teacher pay would help to attract and retain qualified teachers.
Reduce teacher workload: Reducing teacher workload would help to reduce stress and burnout. This could be done by reducing class sizes, providing more planning time, or offering more professional development opportunities.
Provide more support: Schools and administrators can provide more support to teachers by providing them with the resources they need, such as small class sizes or access to technology. They can also listen to teachers' concerns and take steps to address them.
Develop positive relationships with students: Teachers can develop positive relationships with students by being fair and consistent, showing respect, and being approachable.
Encourage parental involvement: Schools can encourage parental involvement by sending home regular newsletters, holding parent-teacher conferences, and inviting parents to volunteer at school.
By addressing these issues, we can help to create a more positive and supportive environment for teachers. This will help to attract and retain qualified teachers, which is essential for ensuring that all students have access to a quality education.
Teachers leave the field for various reasons, and it's a complex issue influenced by a combination of factors. Some common reasons why teachers choose to leave include:
Low Salaries: In many regions, teacher salaries may not be competitive compared to other professions with similar levels of education and experience. Financial concerns can lead teachers to seek better-paying opportunities outside of education.
Heavy Workload and Stress: Teaching can be demanding, with long working hours, administrative tasks, lesson planning, grading, and managing student behavior. The workload, combined with high expectations and accountability measures, can contribute to burnout and stress.
Lack of Support and Professional Development: Teachers thrive when they receive ongoing support and opportunities for professional growth. A lack of resources, limited access to professional development, and inadequate support from administrators and colleagues can impact job satisfaction and lead teachers to seek more supportive environments.
Classroom Management Challenges: Maintaining a positive learning environment can be challenging, especially when dealing with diverse student needs, disruptive behavior, or lack of resources. Teachers who feel overwhelmed by classroom management issues may consider leaving the field.
Policy Changes and Standardized Testing: Frequent changes in education policies, including the emphasis on high-stakes standardized testing, can create pressure on teachers to focus on test preparation rather than holistic teaching and student development. Such shifts may erode job satisfaction and diminish teachers' autonomy and creativity.
To address the issue of teachers leaving the field, several strategies can be implemented:
Competitive Compensation: Providing teachers with competitive salaries and benefits can attract and retain talented individuals in the profession. Higher salaries can also serve as a recognition of the value and importance of the teaching profession.
Supportive Work Environment: Creating a positive and supportive work environment is crucial. This includes fostering a collaborative culture, providing mentorship programs, and ensuring access to resources and professional development opportunities.
Reduced Administrative Burden: Reducing unnecessary administrative tasks and paperwork can free up teachers' time and allow them to focus more on instruction and student engagement.
Improved Classroom Management Strategies: Providing training and support for effective classroom management strategies can help teachers better handle challenging student behavior and create a positive learning environment.
Professional Development and Growth: Investing in high-quality professional development programs that cater to teachers' needs and interests can enhance their skills, boost job satisfaction, and promote retention. Professional development should focus on innovative instructional practices, technology integration, and strategies for meeting the diverse needs of students.
Teacher Voice and Collaboration: Involving teachers in decision-making processes, policy development, and curriculum design can empower them and enhance their sense of ownership and professional autonomy.
Teacher Well-being and Mental Health Support: Prioritizing teacher well-being and providing access to mental health support can help address burnout and stress-related issues. Implementing wellness programs, offering counseling services, and promoting work-life balance can contribute to teacher retention.
Addressing the issue of teacher attrition requires a comprehensive approach that involves collaboration among policymakers, administrators, educators, and stakeholders in the education system. By prioritizing the needs and well-being of teachers, providing ongoing support, and creating conducive working environments, it is possible to mitigate factors leading to teacher departures and improve teacher retention rates.
4. How much should a public elementary school computer science educator be paid in Arizona with ten years of experience and a doctorate in education?
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median annual salary for elementary school teachers in Arizona was $56,590 in 2020. However, salaries can vary depending on experience, education, and location. A public elementary school computer science educator with ten years of experience and a doctorate in education could expect to earn a salary of $75,000 or more.
Here are some factors that can affect the salary of a public elementary school computer science educator in Arizona:
Experience: Teachers with more experience typically earn higher salaries.
Education: Teachers with higher levels of education, such as a doctorate in education, typically earn higher salaries.
Location: Teachers in urban areas typically earn higher salaries than teachers in rural areas.
School district: The salary of a teacher can also vary depending on the school district they work for.
It is important to note that these are just estimates and the actual salary of a public elementary school computer science educator in Arizona can vary depending on the specific factors mentioned above.
Here are some of the benefits of being a public elementary school computer science educator in Arizona:
Job security: There is a high demand for qualified computer science educators in Arizona.
Good benefits: Public school teachers in Arizona typically receive good benefits, such as health insurance, retirement plans, and paid time off.
Impactful work: Teachers have the opportunity to make a real difference in the lives of their students.
If you are interested in becoming a public elementary school computer science educator in Arizona, there are a few things you can do to increase your chances of getting a job. First, make sure you have a strong academic background in computer science. Second, get experience teaching computer science, either through volunteer work or a part-time job. Finally, network with other computer science educators in Arizona.
As an AI language model, I don't have access to real-time salary data or specific information about salary scales in Arizona. Teacher salaries can vary based on factors such as location, school district, budget, and negotiation between teachers' unions and education authorities. Therefore, it's best to consult reliable sources for up-to-date and accurate salary information.
To determine the specific salary range for a public elementary school computer science educator in Arizona with ten years of experience and a doctorate in education, you can refer to the following sources:
Arizona Department of Education: The Arizona Department of Education may provide information on salary scales for teachers in the state. They may have salary schedules or guidelines available on their official website.
School District Websites: Each school district in Arizona may have its own salary schedule, which can be found on their respective websites. By visiting the websites of the school districts where you are interested in working, you may find salary information specific to that district.
Teachers' Union: The local teachers' union or association in Arizona may have information on salary scales, collective bargaining agreements, and other relevant details for educators in the state.
By accessing these sources or reaching out to the appropriate education authorities in Arizona, you can gather accurate and up-to-date information about the salary range for a public elementary school computer science educator with ten years of experience and a doctorate in education.
- How much should a private elementary school educator be paid in Arizona with ten years of experience and a doctorate in education?
The salary of a private elementary school educator in Arizona with ten years of experience and a doctorate in education can vary depending on the school, but it is typically higher than the salary of a public school educator with the same qualifications. According to a 2021 survey by the National Association of Independent Schools, the median salary for elementary school teachers in private schools was $72,000. However, salaries can range from $50,000 to $100,000 or more, depending on the school's location, size, and budget.
There are a few reasons why private school teachers are typically paid more than public school teachers. First, private schools are often able to charge higher tuition, which allows them to pay their teachers more. Second, private schools often have smaller class sizes, which allows teachers to spend more time with each student. Third, private schools often have more resources, such as technology and materials, which can help teachers to be more effective.
If you are interested in becoming a private elementary school educator in Arizona, there are a few things you can do to increase your chances of getting a job. First, make sure you have a strong academic background in education. Second, get experience teaching elementary school, either through volunteer work or a part-time job. Finally, network with other private school educators in Arizona.
Here are some of the benefits of being a private elementary school educator in Arizona:
Higher salaries: Private school teachers in Arizona typically earn higher salaries than public school teachers.
Smaller class sizes: Private schools in Arizona typically have smaller class sizes than public schools.
More resources: Private schools in Arizona typically have more resources, such as technology and materials, than public schools.
More autonomy: Private school teachers in Arizona typically have more autonomy than public school teachers.
If you are looking for a rewarding career in education, becoming a private elementary school educator in Arizona is a great option. With a strong academic background, experience teaching elementary school, and a network of contacts, you can increase your chances of finding a job at a private school that is a good fit for you.
Determining the specific salary for a private elementary school educator in Arizona with ten years of experience and a doctorate in education can be challenging as private schools often have more variability in their salary structures compared to public schools. Private school salaries are typically determined by factors such as the school's budget, location, size, reputation, and the demand for educators with specific qualifications.
To get an accurate and up-to-date understanding of the salary range for a private elementary school educator in Arizona with your specified qualifications, you can consider the following approaches:
Research Private School Websites: Visit the websites of private schools in Arizona, especially those that are similar in size, reputation, and location to the school you are interested in. Some private schools may provide salary information on their websites or have contact information available for inquiries about employment and compensation.
Networking and Professional Organizations: Connect with educators working in private schools in Arizona, join professional organizations or forums related to private school education, and engage in discussions about salary ranges and compensation packages. Networking with individuals in the field can provide you with insights into the typical compensation for private school educators in the state.
Consult Salary Surveys and Reports: Look for salary surveys and reports specific to private school educators in Arizona or similar regions. These surveys may provide average salary ranges or data on compensation trends within the private school sector.
Contact Private Schools Directly: Reach out to private schools in Arizona that you are interested in working for and inquire about their salary ranges and benefits for educators with your qualifications. It may be beneficial to communicate directly with the school's administration or human resources department to gather specific information.
Remember that salary ranges can vary significantly between private schools, and negotiations for compensation packages may be part of the hiring process. Conducting thorough research, networking with professionals in the field, and directly contacting schools will help you obtain the most accurate and relevant salary information for private elementary school educators in Arizona.
5. What are the top five pedagogies for teaching computer science?
Here are the top five pedagogies for teaching computer science:
Project-based learning: Project-based learning (PBL) is a student-centered approach to learning that involves students working on a real-world problem or challenge. PBL can be a great way to teach computer science because it allows students to apply what they are learning in a meaningful way.
Problem-based learning: Problem-based learning (PBL) is another student-centered approach to learning that involves students working on a complex problem. PBL can be a great way to teach computer science because it allows students to develop their problem-solving skills.
Approaches to Computational Thinking: Approaches to Computational Thinking (ACT) is a framework for teaching computer science that focuses on the process of thinking like a computer scientist. ACT can be a great way to teach computer science because it helps students to develop their critical thinking and problem-solving skills.
Inductive Inquiry: Inductive Inquiry is a teaching method that emphasizes discovery learning. Inductive Inquiry can be a great way to teach computer science because it allows students to explore and learn at their own pace.
Experiential Learning: Experiential Learning is a teaching method that emphasizes hands-on learning. Experiential Learning can be a great way to teach computer science because it allows students to learn by doing.
These are just a few of the many pedagogies that can be used to teach computer science. The best pedagogy for a particular classroom will depend on the students, the teacher, and the resources available.
Here are some additional tips for teaching computer science:
Make it relevant: Computer science can be a challenging subject for some students, so it is important to make it relevant to their lives. This can be done by using real-world examples and applications.
Use visuals: Visuals can help students to understand complex concepts in computer science. This can be done by using diagrams, flowcharts, and animations.
Make it fun: Computer science should be fun! This can be done by using games, puzzles, and other activities.
Provide feedback: Students need feedback in order to improve their skills in computer science. This feedback can be provided by the teacher, peers, or self-assessment.
Celebrate successes: It is important to celebrate students' successes in computer science. This will help them to stay motivated and engaged.
By following these tips, you can help your students to learn computer science in a fun and engaging way.
When it comes to teaching computer science, several pedagogical approaches can be effective in engaging students and fostering their understanding of the subject matter. Here are five pedagogies commonly used in computer science education:
Project-Based Learning (PBL): Project-Based Learning involves students working on real-world projects or challenges that require them to apply their computer science knowledge and skills. Through hands-on, collaborative projects, students gain practical experience, develop problem-solving skills, and learn to work in teams. PBL encourages critical thinking, creativity, and the integration of various computer science concepts.
Inquiry-Based Learning: Inquiry-Based Learning focuses on student-driven exploration and discovery. In computer science, this pedagogy encourages students to ask questions, investigate problems, and find solutions independently. By promoting curiosity and active engagement, inquiry-based learning helps students develop problem-solving abilities, research skills, and a deeper understanding of fundamental computer science concepts.
Collaborative Learning: Collaborative Learning emphasizes group work and collaboration among students. It encourages peer-to-peer interaction, discussion, and cooperative problem-solving. In computer science, collaborative learning can involve pair programming, group projects, and team-based coding challenges. This pedagogy enhances communication skills, teamwork, and the ability to work effectively in diverse teams.
Flipped Classroom: The Flipped Classroom approach involves delivering instructional content outside of class (e.g., through videos, online modules, or readings) and utilizing class time for hands-on activities and discussions. In computer science, students can watch video tutorials or complete online exercises before coming to class, enabling them to engage in practical coding, problem-solving, and concept reinforcement during class sessions. Flipped classrooms promote active learning, student engagement, and individualized support.
Game-Based Learning: Game-Based Learning incorporates educational games, gamified elements, or game design principles to teach computer science concepts. Students learn through interactive gameplay, simulations, and problem-solving within a game environment. Game-based learning promotes motivation, engagement, and a deeper understanding of programming concepts and algorithms.
It's worth noting that these pedagogical approaches can be combined or adapted based on the specific needs of students, the learning objectives, and the available resources. Effective computer science instruction often involves a blend of these pedagogies, along with the integration of technology tools, formative assessment strategies, and differentiation to meet the diverse needs of learners.
- Elaborate on how each of the pedagogies you listed are beneficial for learning
Sure. Here is a more detailed look at how each of the pedagogies I listed are beneficial for learning:
Project-based learning: Project-based learning (PBL) is a student-centered approach to learning that involves students working on a real-world problem or challenge. PBL can be a great way to teach computer science because it allows students to apply what they are learning in a meaningful way. Students are more likely to remember and understand information when they are able to apply it to a real-world problem. PBL also helps students to develop their problem-solving, collaboration, and communication skills.
Problem-based learning: Problem-based learning (PBL) is another student-centered approach to learning that involves students working on a complex problem. PBL can be a great way to teach computer science because it allows students to develop their problem-solving skills. Students are faced with a problem and must work together to find a solution. This helps them to develop their critical thinking, creativity, and collaboration skills.
Approaches to Computational Thinking: Approaches to Computational Thinking (ACT) is a framework for teaching computer science that focuses on the process of thinking like a computer scientist. ACT can be a great way to teach computer science because it helps students to develop their critical thinking and problem-solving skills. ACT teaches students how to break down problems into smaller steps, identify patterns, and use algorithms to solve problems.
Inductive Inquiry: Inductive Inquiry is a teaching method that emphasizes discovery learning. Inductive Inquiry can be a great way to teach computer science because it allows students to explore and learn at their own pace. Students are given a problem or challenge and are allowed to explore different solutions until they find one that works. This helps them to develop their creativity and problem-solving skills.
Experiential Learning: Experiential Learning is a teaching method that emphasizes hands-on learning. Experiential Learning can be a great way to teach computer science because it allows students to learn by doing. Students are given the opportunity to build their own projects or programs. This helps them to develop their coding skills and problem-solving skills.
These are just a few of the many pedagogies that can be used to teach computer science. The best pedagogy for a particular classroom will depend on the students, the teacher, and the resources available.
I hope this helps!
Certainly! Here's a more detailed explanation of the benefits of each pedagogy for learning computer science:
Project-Based Learning (PBL):
Practical Application: PBL allows students to apply computer science knowledge in real-world contexts, making the learning experience more relevant and meaningful.
Problem-Solving Skills: By working on projects, students develop critical thinking, analytical skills, and problem-solving abilities, which are essential in computer science.
Collaboration: PBL promotes teamwork and collaboration as students work together to tackle complex problems, improving communication, and fostering social skills.
Creativity and Innovation: PBL encourages students to think creatively and come up with innovative solutions, fostering their ability to think outside the box.
Inquiry-Based Learning:
Critical Thinking: Inquiry-based learning promotes critical thinking as students explore questions, analyze data, and draw conclusions, developing their ability to think critically and evaluate information.
Autonomy and Ownership: By directing their own learning, students become active participants in their education, taking ownership of their learning process, and developing self-directed learning skills.
Problem-Solving and Research Skills: Through inquiry-based learning, students develop research skills, learn how to frame and investigate questions, and develop problem-solving strategies.
Deeper Understanding: By engaging in inquiry, students develop a deeper understanding of computer science concepts as they actively seek answers and make connections.
Collaborative Learning:
Communication and Collaboration: Collaborative learning encourages students to work together, enhancing their communication, collaboration, and teamwork skills, which are essential in the field of computer science.
Peer Learning: Students can learn from their peers by discussing concepts, explaining ideas, and providing feedback to one another, which can reinforce learning and deepen understanding.
Diverse Perspectives: Collaboration exposes students to diverse perspectives and approaches, fostering creativity and promoting critical thinking as they consider different solutions to problems.
Enhanced Problem-Solving: Collaborative problem-solving allows students to tackle complex tasks collectively, drawing on the strengths and expertise of each team member, leading to more comprehensive solutions.
Flipped Classroom:
Active Learning: Flipped classrooms promote active learning by shifting passive content consumption outside of class, allowing students to engage in hands-on activities, coding exercises, and discussions during class time.
Differentiated Instruction: Students can learn at their own pace and review content as needed outside of class, while in-class activities provide opportunities for individualized support, addressing specific student needs.
Immediate Feedback: In-class activities facilitate immediate feedback from the instructor, allowing students to receive guidance, clarification, and corrections in real-time.
Application and Reinforcement: Flipped classrooms provide opportunities for students to apply and reinforce their understanding of computer science concepts through practical coding exercises and problem-solving tasks.
Game-Based Learning:
Motivation and Engagement: Games capture students' interest, motivate them to actively participate, and create an engaging learning experience, promoting sustained focus and enjoyment in computer science education.
Hands-on Learning: Games provide hands-on experiences, allowing students to experiment, make decisions, and observe immediate consequences, leading to a deeper understanding of programming concepts.
Immediate Feedback: Games can offer immediate feedback, guiding students through challenges and providing corrective guidance, fostering a sense of mastery and progress.
Trial and Error: Games encourage students to take risks, try different strategies, and learn from their mistakes, promoting resilience, problem-solving skills, and a growth mindset.
These pedagogical approaches are not mutually exclusive and can be combined to create dynamic and engaging learning experiences in computer science education. By leveraging these approaches, educators can enhance student motivation, critical thinking, problem-solving skills, collaboration, and a deeper understanding of computer science concepts.
- What are the downsides for each of the pedagogies you listed?
Here are some of the downsides for each of the pedagogies I listed:
Project-based learning: Project-based learning (PBL) can be time-consuming and requires a lot of planning and preparation from the teacher. It can also be difficult to assess student learning in a project-based setting.
Problem-based learning: Problem-based learning (PBL) can be challenging for students who are not used to working independently or collaborating with others. It can also be difficult for students to find problems that are both challenging and relevant to their interests.
Approaches to Computational Thinking: Approaches to Computational Thinking (ACT) can be difficult for students who are not already familiar with the basics of computer science. It can also be difficult for teachers to find resources that support ACT instruction.
Inductive Inquiry: Inductive Inquiry can be chaotic and difficult to manage in a large classroom setting. It can also be difficult for students to stay on track and make progress towards their goals.
Experiential Learning: Experiential Learning can be expensive, as it often requires students to purchase materials or equipment. It can also be difficult for teachers to find time to provide individual feedback to students.
It is important to note that these are just some of the potential downsides of each pedagogy. The actual downsides may vary depending on the specific classroom context.
Here are some tips for overcoming the downsides of each pedagogy:
Project-based learning: To reduce the time commitment required for PBL, teachers can choose projects that are shorter or that focus on a single concept. To make assessment easier, teachers can develop rubrics that clearly define the criteria for success.
Problem-based learning: To make PBL more accessible to all students, teachers can provide support and scaffolding throughout the process. To help students find problems that are relevant to their interests, teachers can encourage students to choose problems from their own lives or from current events.
Approaches to Computational Thinking: To make ACT instruction more accessible to students, teachers can provide hands-on activities and games that introduce the concepts of computational thinking. To help teachers find resources that support ACT instruction, there are a number of online resources available, such as the Khan Academy and
Inductive Inquiry: To help manage Inductive Inquiry in a large classroom setting, teachers can break students into small groups or pairs. To help students stay on track, teachers can provide regular checkpoints and feedback.
Experiential Learning: To reduce the cost of Experiential Learning, teachers can encourage students to use recycled materials or to find free or low-cost resources online. To make it easier for teachers to provide individual feedback, teachers can use peer assessment or group work.
By following these tips, teachers can overcome the downsides of each pedagogy and create a learning environment that is both engaging and effective for all students.
While the pedagogies I listed have many benefits, it's important to consider potential downsides and challenges associated with their implementation. Here are some potential downsides for each pedagogy:
Project-Based Learning (PBL):
Time Management: PBL projects can be time-consuming, requiring careful planning and coordination to ensure that the project's scope aligns with available instructional time.
Assessment Challenges: Assessing individual student learning in PBL can be complex since projects often involve group work. It can be challenging to accurately evaluate individual contributions and learning outcomes.
Content Coverage: PBL projects may focus on specific topics, potentially leaving gaps in other areas of the curriculum if not properly integrated and aligned with learning objectives.
Inquiry-Based Learning:
Teacher Expertise: Implementing inquiry-based learning requires teachers who are skilled in guiding student inquiry, facilitating discussions, and supporting students in their exploration. Lack of teacher expertise in inquiry methods may hinder its effective implementation.
Time Constraints: Inquiry-based learning often requires extended periods for student exploration and investigation, which can be challenging to fit within strict schedules or limited instructional time.
Information Overload: Inexperienced students may struggle to manage the vast amount of information available during inquiry-based learning, leading to confusion or difficulty in synthesizing and organizing information effectively.
Collaborative Learning:
Unequal Contributions: In collaborative learning, some students may contribute more or less than others, leading to imbalances in workload and potential frustration among group members.
Conflict Resolution: Collaborative settings may present challenges related to conflicts or disagreements among students. Teachers must facilitate effective communication, conflict resolution, and equitable participation.
Individual Accountability: Ensuring that each student is accountable for their learning and actively engaged in group activities can be challenging in collaborative learning environments.
Flipped Classroom:
Access to Resources: Students must have reliable access to technology and resources outside of the classroom to engage with flipped learning materials, which can pose challenges in areas with limited connectivity or insufficient resources.
Self-Directed Learning: Flipped classrooms require students to take responsibility for their learning outside of class, which may not suit all students or require additional support for those who struggle with self-directed learning.
Monitoring Progress: Teachers need effective strategies to monitor student engagement with pre-class materials and identify students who may require additional support or clarification
Game-Based Learning:
Alignment with Learning Objectives: It's crucial to ensure that game-based learning activities align with specific learning objectives and standards. Some games may be engaging but may not effectively address the intended learning outcomes.
Overemphasis on Fun: While games can enhance motivation, there is a risk of focusing too much on entertainment value, potentially overshadowing the learning objectives and leading to a superficial understanding of the subject matter.
Limited Content Coverage: Game-based learning activities may cover a specific subset of computer science concepts or skills, and care must be taken to ensure that a broader range of content is addressed alongside game-based activities.
Understanding these potential downsides can help educators proactively address challenges and design instructional strategies that mitigate these issues. Implementing pedagogies effectively requires thoughtful planning, ongoing monitoring, and adjustments to ensure optimal learning outcomes.
6. How could teachers make computer science classes more equitable?
Here are some ways that teachers can make computer science classes more equitable:
Use a variety of teaching methods: There is no one-size-fits-all approach to teaching computer science. Teachers should use a variety of teaching methods to reach all students, including project-based learning, problem-based learning, and experiential learning.
Provide individualized support: Not all students learn at the same pace or in the same way. Teachers should provide individualized support to students who need it, such as extra help during office hours or after school.
Use culturally relevant examples: When teaching computer science concepts, teachers should use examples that are relevant to the students' cultures and experiences. This will help students to see themselves in the material and make it more meaningful to them.
Create a welcoming environment: Computer science can be a male-dominated field. Teachers should create a welcoming environment for all students, regardless of their gender, race, or ethnicity. This can be done by using inclusive language, displaying posters of women and underrepresented minorities in computer science, and encouraging students to share their ideas and experiences.
Be a role model: Teachers can be role models for their students by demonstrating their own interest in computer science. They can do this by talking about their own experiences with computer science, sharing their favorite computer science projects, and encouraging students to pursue their own interests in computer science.
By following these tips, teachers can make computer science classes more equitable and accessible to all students.
Here are some additional tips for making computer science classes more equitable:
Be aware of your own biases: Teachers should be aware of their own biases and how they might be affecting their teaching. For example, teachers who are not familiar with coding might be more likely to call on students who they think are good at coding, even if those students are not from underrepresented groups.
Create a space for students to share their experiences: Teachers should create a space where students feel comfortable sharing their experiences with computer science. This can be done by asking students to share their favorite computer science projects or by inviting students to lead discussions about computer science topics.
Provide opportunities for students to collaborate: Students from underrepresented groups are more likely to collaborate with other students from underrepresented groups. Teachers can provide opportunities for students to collaborate by assigning group projects or by creating a computer science club.
Celebrate student successes: Teachers should celebrate student successes, both big and small. This will help to motivate students and make them feel like they belong in the computer science classroom.
By following these tips, teachers can create a more equitable and inclusive computer science classroom.
To make computer science classes more equitable, teachers can implement several strategies to ensure that all students have equal access, opportunities, and support in their learning journey. Here are some approaches that can promote equity in computer science education:
Inclusive Curriculum and Instruction:
Select diverse and inclusive learning resources, materials, and examples that represent a range of cultural perspectives and backgrounds.
Incorporate projects, coding exercises, and problem-solving tasks that relate to students' interests and experiences, ensuring relevance and engagement for all learners.
Use multiple instructional strategies and modalities to accommodate diverse learning styles and preferences.
Provide clear and structured instructions to support students who may require additional guidance or clarification.
Addressing Stereotypes and Bias:
Challenge stereotypes and biases associated with computer science by highlighting the achievements and contributions of diverse individuals in the field.
Foster a classroom culture that values and respects diverse perspectives, encouraging open discussions and creating a safe space for all students to participate.
Discuss the importance of inclusivity and diversity in computer science and emphasize that anyone can succeed in the field regardless of their gender, race, or background.
Access and Infrastructure:
Ensure equitable access to technology and resources by providing opportunities for students to use computer science tools and software, whether at school or through loan programs for home use.
Address the digital divide by collaborating with community organizations or leveraging government initiatives to provide internet connectivity and devices to students who lack access at home.
Offer flexible options for completing computer science assignments, considering students' access to technology and accommodating different learning environments.
Supportive Classroom Environment:
Create a positive and inclusive classroom climate where all students feel valued, respected, and supported.
Encourage collaboration and teamwork, promoting a sense of belonging and fostering peer support among students.
Provide individualized support and differentiated instruction, taking into account students' diverse learning needs, backgrounds, and prior knowledge.
Offer additional resources, tutorials, or mentorship opportunities to students who may need extra support or encouragement.
Community Engagement and Outreach:
Establish partnerships with community organizations, businesses, and professionals in the field of computer science to provide mentorship opportunities, guest speakers, or career exploration experiences.
Organize field trips, hackathons, or coding competitions that involve diverse student populations and encourage participation from underrepresented groups.
Advocate for computer science education equity at the school and district levels, raising awareness and influencing policy decisions to ensure equitable resource allocation and access to opportunities.
By implementing these strategies, teachers can create an inclusive and equitable learning environment that supports all students in their computer science education journey, regardless of their background or identity. It is important to continuously reflect on and adapt teaching practices to meet the evolving needs of students and foster equitable outcomes in computer science education.
7. Why should all students learn computer science?
Here are some reasons why all students should learn computer science:
Computer science is a foundational skill: Computer science is a foundational skill that is essential for success in today's world. Computers are used in almost every aspect of our lives, from work to school to entertainment. By learning computer science, students can develop the skills they need to be successful in the 21st century.
Computer science is a creative field: Computer science is a creative field that allows students to express themselves and solve problems in new and innovative ways. Students can use computer science to create their own games, apps, and websites. They can also use computer science to solve real-world problems, such as climate change or poverty.
Computer science is a problem-solving field: Computer science is a problem-solving field that teaches students how to think logically and creatively. Students learn how to break down problems into smaller steps, identify patterns, and use algorithms to solve problems. These skills are essential for success in any field.
Computer science is a collaborative field: Computer science is a collaborative field that teaches students how to work effectively with others. Students learn how to communicate their ideas, give and receive feedback, and work together to achieve common goals. These skills are essential for success in any workplace.
Computer science is a fun field: Computer science is a fun field that allows students to learn in a hands-on and engaging way. Students can build their own games, apps, and websites. They can also work on real-world projects, such as developing software for a nonprofit organization.
By learning computer science, students can develop the skills they need to be successful in today's world. They can also develop their creativity, problem-solving skills, and collaboration skills. Computer science is a fun and engaging field that can be enjoyed by students of all ages.
There are several compelling reasons why all students should learn computer science:
Digital Literacy and Essential Skills: In our increasingly digital world, computer science literacy has become an essential skill set. By learning computer science, students develop a deeper understanding of how technology works, become proficient in using digital tools, and enhance their overall digital literacy. These skills are crucial for everyday life, academic success, and future careers.
Problem-Solving and Critical Thinking: Computer science education fosters problem-solving skills and critical thinking abilities. Students learn to break down complex problems into smaller components, analyze data, and develop systematic approaches to finding solutions. These skills are applicable beyond computer science and can be utilized in various domains and disciplines.
Career Opportunities: Computer science-related careers are in high demand and offer significant opportunities for employment and innovation. By learning computer science, students open doors to diverse and rewarding career paths in fields such as software development, data analysis, cybersecurity, artificial intelligence, and more. A solid foundation in computer science can provide students with a competitive edge in the job market.
Creativity and Innovation: Computer science nurtures creativity and innovation. Students have the opportunity to explore their imagination and design and create their own digital products, games, applications, or websites. Computer science education encourages students to think creatively, problem-solve, and develop innovative solutions to real-world challenges.
Computational Thinking and Algorithmic Mindset: Computer science education promotes computational thinking, which involves breaking down problems into logical steps, creating algorithms, and designing efficient solutions. These skills enhance students' analytical abilities and their ability to tackle complex problems across various domains.
Empowering Digital Citizenship: Computer science education empowers students to become responsible digital citizens. They learn about ethical considerations, privacy, security, and digital rights, enabling them to navigate the digital landscape safely and make informed decisions in an increasingly interconnected world.
Interdisciplinary Connections: Computer science intersects with various disciplines, including mathematics, science, engineering, and the arts. By integrating computer science into education, students can explore connections between different subject areas and gain a more holistic understanding of how these disciplines intertwine and influence one another.
Technological Literacy and Adaptability: Learning computer science equips students with the ability to adapt to technological advancements. As technology continues to evolve rapidly, being technologically literate and adaptable becomes increasingly important for individuals to thrive in their personal and professional lives.
Addressing Equity and Access: Ensuring that all students have access to computer science education helps bridge the digital divide and promotes equity. Computer science education empowers students from diverse backgrounds to engage with technology, fostering inclusivity and reducing disparities in opportunities and outcomes.
By providing all students with the opportunity to learn computer science, we equip them with essential skills, empower their creativity and problem-solving abilities, and prepare them for a future that is heavily influenced by technology. Computer science education is not only about creating future programmers but about fostering digital literacy, critical thinking, and empowering students to thrive in a rapidly evolving world.
- Should someone learn computer science if they are not going to be a professional computer scientist?
Yes, even if you are not planning to become a professional computer scientist, there are still many benefits to learning computer science.
Here are a few reasons why you should learn computer science:
Computer science is a foundational skill. In today's world, computers are used in almost every aspect of our lives, from work to school to entertainment. By learning computer science, you can develop the skills you need to be successful in the 21st century.
Computer science is a creative field. Computer science is a creative field that allows you to express yourself and solve problems in new and innovative ways. You can use computer science to create your own games, apps, and websites. You can also use computer science to solve real-world problems, such as climate change or poverty.
Computer science is a problem-solving field. Computer science is a problem-solving field that teaches you how to think logically and creatively. You learn how to break down problems into smaller steps, identify patterns, and use algorithms to solve problems. These skills are essential for success in any field.
Computer science is a collaborative field. Computer science is a collaborative field that teaches you how to work effectively with others. You learn how to communicate your ideas, give and receive feedback, and work together to achieve common goals. These skills are essential for success in any workplace.
Computer science is a fun field. Computer science is a fun field that allows you to learn in a hands-on and engaging way. You can build your own games, apps, and websites. You can also work on real-world projects, such as developing software for a nonprofit organization.
Even if you don't want to be a professional computer scientist, learning computer science can still help you in your career. Many jobs now require some level of computer skills, and learning computer science can give you a competitive edge. Additionally, computer science can help you develop critical thinking, problem-solving, and communication skills that are valuable in any field.
If you're interested in learning more about computer science, there are many resources available online and in libraries. You can also take classes at a local community college or university. With a little effort, you can learn the basics of computer science and start using these skills to improve your life.
Yes, learning computer science can be beneficial even if someone doesn't plan to become a professional computer scientist. Computer science education provides a valuable set of skills and knowledge that can be applied in various aspects of life and different career paths. Here are some reasons why learning computer science is beneficial, even outside of a professional computer science career:
Problem-Solving Skills: Computer science fosters problem-solving abilities and critical thinking. These skills are valuable in any field or profession, as they enable individuals to approach challenges systematically, analyze data, and develop effective solutions.
Digital Literacy: In our digital age, having a strong foundation in computer science and technology is essential. Learning computer science helps individuals become digitally literate, allowing them to navigate and utilize technology effectively in their personal and professional lives.
Automation and Efficiency: Understanding computer science principles can help individuals automate repetitive tasks, streamline processes, and increase efficiency in various domains. This can be valuable in any profession, from finance to healthcare, from marketing to education.
Interdisciplinary Connections: Computer science intersects with numerous disciplines, such as mathematics, science, engineering, and the arts. Learning computer science can foster interdisciplinary thinking and help individuals understand how technology is integrated into different fields, creating opportunities for innovation and collaboration.
Computational Thinking: Computer science education promotes computational thinking, which involves breaking down complex problems, developing algorithms, and designing efficient solutions. Computational thinking skills are transferable and can be applied to various situations, helping individuals approach challenges with a logical and structured mindset.
Digital Creativity: Computer science offers opportunities for digital creativity and expression. Learning computer science can enable individuals to develop their own digital projects, such as websites, mobile apps, or multimedia presentations, fostering creativity and innovation in various contexts.
Technology Management: Having a foundational understanding of computer science allows individuals to make informed decisions about technology use and management. This includes considerations such as data privacy, cybersecurity, and ethical implications, which are important in today's digital world.
Adaptability and Future Readiness: Technology is rapidly evolving, and being knowledgeable about computer science prepares individuals for the changing landscape. Learning computer science equips individuals with adaptable skills and a mindset that allows them to navigate and embrace emerging technologies.
In summary, learning computer science can provide valuable skills, knowledge, and perspectives that extend beyond a specific computer science career. It equips individuals with problem-solving abilities, digital literacy, interdisciplinary connections, computational thinking skills, and a readiness to navigate a technology-driven world. Regardless of one's career path, computer science education offers benefits that can enhance personal and professional growth in today's digital age.
- What prevents students from being interested in computer science?
There are many factors that can prevent students from being interested in computer science. Some of these factors include:
Perception that computer science is difficult: Many students have the perception that computer science is a difficult subject. This perception can be due to a number of factors, including the fact that computer science is often taught in a theoretical way, and that it can be challenging to learn how to code.
Lack of female role models: Computer science is a male-dominated field. This can make it difficult for female students to see themselves as computer scientists, and can discourage them from pursuing a career in the field.
Lack of diversity: Computer science is also a field that is lacking in diversity. This can make it difficult for students from underrepresented groups to find role models and mentors in the field, and can make them feel like they don't belong.
Negative stereotypes: There are a number of negative stereotypes about computer science, such as the stereotype that it is a boring and solitary field. These stereotypes can discourage students from pursuing a career in computer science.
There are a number of things that can be done to address these factors and to encourage more students to be interested in computer science. Some of these things include:
Teaching computer science in a more engaging way: Computer science can be taught in a more engaging way by using hands-on activities, games, and projects. This will help students to see the relevance of computer science to their lives, and will make it more fun to learn.
Providing more female role models: There are a number of organizations that are working to provide more female role models in computer science. These organizations are working to increase the number of female faculty in computer science departments, and to provide more opportunities for female students to get involved in computer science activities.
Promoting diversity: There are a number of organizations that are working to promote diversity in computer science. These organizations are working to increase the number of students from underrepresented groups who are studying computer science, and to create a more welcoming environment for these students.
Challenging negative stereotypes: There are a number of ways to challenge negative stereotypes about computer science. One way is to talk to students about the many different ways that computer science can be used to solve real-world problems. Another way is to highlight the many successful people in computer science who come from a variety of backgrounds.
By addressing these factors, we can encourage more students to be interested in computer science. This will help to ensure that the field of computer science is more representative of the population, and that it is able to benefit from the diversity of thought and experience that all students have to offer.
Several factors can influence students' lack of interest or reluctance to pursue computer science. Here are some common barriers that can prevent students from being interested in computer science:
Lack of Awareness: Many students may not be aware of the opportunities and potential of computer science careers. Limited exposure to computer science concepts and its real-world applications can result in a lack of understanding and interest in the field.
Stereotypes and Perceived Incompatibility: Stereotypes surrounding computer science, such as it being "only for geeks" or "male-dominated," can discourage certain students from exploring the field. Some students may perceive computer science as too technical or unrelated to their personal interests and passions.
Limited Role Models and Representation: The underrepresentation of diverse role models in computer science can create a perception that certain groups, such as women or minority students, may not belong or succeed in the field. Lack of representation can discourage students from envisioning themselves pursuing computer science careers.
Inadequate Preparation: Insufficient exposure to computer science education at an early age or limited access to quality computer science programs can hinder students' interest. Without exposure to foundational concepts and hands-on experiences, students may not fully grasp the potential and relevance of computer science.
Preconceived Notions of Difficulty: Some students may perceive computer science as a difficult subject, particularly if they have had limited exposure to it or faced challenges in related areas like mathematics. This perception can create a barrier to entry and discourage students from exploring the field.
Lack of Engaging and Relevant Curriculum: Outdated or uninspiring curriculum materials can fail to capture students' interest or fail to connect computer science concepts to real-world applications. If the curriculum does not align with students' interests or fails to engage them, it can dampen their enthusiasm for the subject.
Gender and Cultural Biases: Gender and cultural biases can contribute to the underrepresentation of certain groups in computer science. Societal biases, stereotypes, and cultural expectations can influence students' perception of their own abilities and interest in the field.
Limited Access to Resources and Opportunities: Inequitable access to computer science resources, such as technology, quality instruction, and extracurricular activities, can hinder students' engagement and interest. Lack of access can create disparities in opportunity, particularly for students from underprivileged or marginalized communities.
To address these barriers and promote students' interest in computer science, it is important to raise awareness about the field, provide diverse role models, offer engaging and inclusive curriculum materials, provide early and equitable access to computer science education, and create supportive and inclusive learning environments. By addressing these factors, we can help students overcome barriers and cultivate a genuine interest and enthusiasm for computer science.
8. How can teachers learn how to teach computer science classes if they don't have a background in computer science?
There are many ways for teachers to learn how to teach computer science classes if they don't have a background in computer science. Here are a few suggestions:
Take a computer science class: This is a great way to learn the basics of computer science and to get a feel for how the subject is taught. There are many online and in-person computer science classes available, and many of them are designed specifically for teachers.
Read computer science books and articles: There are many great books and articles available that can help teachers learn about computer science. Some of these resources are written specifically for teachers, while others are written for a general audience.
Attend computer science conferences and workshops: There are many conferences and workshops held throughout the year that focus on computer science education. These events can be a great way to learn about new teaching methods and to network with other teachers who are interested in computer science.
Connect with other teachers who are teaching computer science: There are many online and in-person communities for teachers who are teaching computer science. These communities can be a great way to get support and advice from other teachers who are facing similar challenges.
Use online resources: There are many online resources available that can help teachers learn how to teach computer science. Some of these resources include Khan Academy,, and Scratch.
By taking advantage of these resources, teachers can learn how to teach computer science even if they don't have a background in the subject.
Here are some additional tips for teachers who are learning how to teach computer science:
Start small: Don't try to teach everything at once. Start with the basics, such as learning about algorithms and data structures. Once you have a good understanding of the basics, you can start teaching more advanced concepts.
Use hands-on activities: Students learn best by doing. Use hands-on activities to help students learn about computer science concepts. For example, you can have students build their own websites or create their own games.
Be patient: It takes time to learn how to teach computer science. Don't get discouraged if you don't get it right away. Keep practicing, and you'll eventually get the hang of it.
With a little effort, teachers can learn how to teach computer science and help their students develop the skills they need to be successful in the 21st century.
If teachers don't have a background in computer science but want to learn how to teach computer science classes, there are several avenues they can explore to gain the necessary knowledge and skills. Here are some options:
Professional Development Workshops and Courses: Teachers can attend professional development workshops or enroll in courses specifically designed to provide training in teaching computer science. These programs are often offered by educational organizations, universities, or online platforms and can cover topics such as curriculum development, pedagogical approaches, and programming concepts.
Online Resources and Tutorials: There are numerous online resources and tutorials available that can help teachers learn computer science concepts and programming languages. Websites like, CSUnplugged, and Scratch offer free resources, lesson plans, and interactive platforms that cater to educators without a computer science background.
Collaboration and Networking: Teachers can connect with other educators who have experience teaching computer science and seek their guidance and support. Joining online communities, forums, or social media groups focused on computer science education can provide opportunities for collaboration, sharing resources, and learning from experienced educators.
Partnerships and Mentoring: Collaborating with computer science professionals or organizations can be beneficial. Establishing partnerships with local businesses, universities, or industry professionals can provide opportunities for mentorship, guest speakers, or access to additional resources. These partnerships can enhance teachers' understanding of the field and provide real-world context for teaching computer science.
Curriculum and Resources Alignment: Teachers can leverage existing computer science curriculum frameworks and standards, such as those provided by national or state education agencies. Aligning their instruction with established frameworks ensures they cover essential concepts and learning objectives, even without a deep computer science background.
Peer Learning and Communities of Practice: Collaborating with colleagues within the same school or district who have experience teaching computer science can foster a supportive learning environment. Teachers can participate in study groups, share lesson plans, and engage in peer observation and feedback to enhance their teaching practice.
Continuous Learning and Reflection: Teaching computer science is a dynamic field, and teachers should embrace continuous learning and reflection. Engaging in self-study, attending conferences or webinars, and staying updated with the latest developments in computer science education can help teachers refine their knowledge and teaching strategies.
It's important for teachers without a computer science background to approach their teaching with enthusiasm, a growth mindset, and a willingness to learn alongside their students. By leveraging available resources, seeking professional development opportunities, and building supportive networks, teachers can develop the necessary skills and confidence to effectively teach computer science classes.
9. What is computational thinking and why is it being taught in schools?
Computational thinking is a problem-solving approach that uses abstraction, decomposition, pattern recognition, algorithms, and evaluation. It is a way of thinking that can be used to solve problems in any domain, not just computer science.
Computational thinking is being taught in schools because it is a valuable skill for students to have in the 21st century. In a world where technology is increasingly pervasive, computational thinking skills can help students to:
Understand how computers work
Solve problems creatively and efficiently
Communicate effectively about technology
Be more engaged in their learning
Computational thinking can be taught in a variety of ways. Some common methods include:
Problem-based learning: Students are presented with a problem to solve, and they use computational thinking skills to come up with a solution.
Project-based learning: Students work on a long-term project that requires them to use computational thinking skills.
Games: Students can learn computational thinking skills by playing games that involve problem-solving and creativity.
Online resources: There are many online resources available that can help students learn computational thinking.
Computational thinking is a valuable skill for students to have in the 21st century. It can help students to understand how computers work, solve problems creatively and efficiently, communicate effectively about technology, and be more engaged in their learning.
Here are some of the benefits of teaching computational thinking in schools:
Improved problem-solving skills: Computational thinking teaches students how to break down problems into smaller steps, identify patterns, and use algorithms to solve problems. These skills can be used to solve problems in any domain, not just computer science.
Increased creativity: Computational thinking encourages students to think outside the box and come up with new and innovative solutions to problems.
Improved communication skills: Computational thinking requires students to communicate their ideas clearly and concisely. This can help them to be more effective communicators in all areas of their lives.
Increased engagement: Computational thinking is a hands-on, engaging approach to learning that can help students stay motivated and interested in their studies.
By teaching computational thinking in schools, we can help students develop the skills they need to be successful in the 21st century.
Computational thinking is a problem-solving approach inspired by the principles used in computer science. It involves breaking down complex problems into smaller, more manageable components, formulating algorithms or step-by-step procedures to solve them, and utilizing logical and systematic thinking to arrive at solutions. Computational thinking encompasses a set of skills and strategies that are transferable across various domains, not just limited to computer science.
Here are some key aspects of computational thinking:
Decomposition: Breaking down complex problems into smaller, more manageable parts or subproblems.
Pattern Recognition: Identifying patterns, similarities, and regularities within problems or data.
Abstraction: Extracting the essential features of a problem, disregarding unnecessary details, and focusing on the core elements.
Algorithmic Design: Developing step-by-step instructions or algorithms to solve problems systematically.
Algorithmic Evaluation: Analyzing and assessing the efficiency and effectiveness of algorithms and solutions.
Computational thinking is being taught in schools for several reasons:
Problem-Solving Skills: Computational thinking equips students with problem-solving strategies that can be applied across various disciplines. It enhances their ability to tackle complex problems, analyze data, and develop systematic approaches to finding solutions.
Digital Literacy and Technological Understanding: In an increasingly technology-driven world, computational thinking provides students with a deeper understanding of how technology works, fostering digital literacy and empowering them to navigate and utilize technology effectively.
Preparation for Future Careers: Computational thinking skills are highly valuable in today's job market, regardless of whether students pursue computer science as a career. These skills can be applied in fields such as engineering, mathematics, science, business, healthcare, and more, preparing students for a wide range of future career paths.
Critical and Logical Thinking: Computational thinking encourages critical thinking, logical reasoning, and analytical skills. It helps students approach problems systematically, consider multiple perspectives, and evaluate the effectiveness of their solutions.
Creativity and Innovation: Computational thinking nurtures creativity and innovation by challenging students to think outside the box, design algorithms, and develop novel solutions. It fosters a mindset that encourages experimentation, iteration, and the exploration of multiple possibilities.
Integration with Core Subjects: Computational thinking can be integrated with other subjects, such as mathematics, science, and engineering, enhancing students' understanding and application of concepts in those areas. It provides a cross-curricular approach that enriches learning experiences.
Future-Proofing Students: Teaching computational thinking prepares students for a rapidly evolving future. It equips them with adaptable skills, such as problem-solving, logical thinking, and algorithmic design, which are essential in an increasingly technology-driven society.
By incorporating computational thinking into education, schools aim to develop students' problem-solving abilities, digital literacy, critical thinking skills, and readiness to tackle the challenges of the 21st century. It provides a foundation for students to navigate the complexities of an increasingly digital world and prepares them for a wide range of academic and career opportunities.
- List five examples of computational thinking
Here are five examples of computational thinking:
Decomposition: Breaking down a problem into smaller, more manageable steps. For example, if you were trying to program a robot to walk, you might break the problem down into steps like moving the legs, moving the arms, and balancing the body.
Pattern recognition: Identifying patterns in data or information. For example, if you were trying to predict the weather, you might look for patterns in historical weather data.
Abstraction: Creating a simplified representation of a problem or system. For example, if you were trying to design a new website, you might create a wireframe, which is a simplified drawing of the website's layout.
Algorithms: Developing a step-by-step process for solving a problem. For example, if you were trying to write a program that sorts a list of numbers, you would need to develop an algorithm that tells the computer how to compare the numbers and put them in order.
Evaluation: Assessing the success of a solution to a problem. For example, if you were trying to program a robot to walk, you would need to evaluate whether the robot is able to walk successfully.
These are just a few examples of computational thinking. Computational thinking is a broad and complex topic, and there are many different ways to approach it. However, the five examples listed above provide a good starting point for understanding what computational thinking is and how it can be used to solve problems.
Certainly! Here are five examples of computational thinking:
Creating a Recipe: When creating a recipe, computational thinking can be applied by breaking down the cooking process into smaller steps, identifying patterns or sequences, and designing an algorithmic set of instructions that ensure a successful outcome.
Solving a Sudoku Puzzle: Computational thinking can be used to solve Sudoku puzzles by breaking down the problem into smaller components, recognizing patterns and constraints, and systematically applying logical rules to fill in the missing numbers.
Planning a Route: When planning a route to reach a destination, computational thinking involves decomposing the problem into smaller steps, analyzing available routes, considering factors such as distance and traffic patterns, and selecting the most efficient path based on these considerations.
Developing an App: In app development, computational thinking is applied by decomposing the app's functionality into smaller modules, designing algorithms and flowcharts to define how the app will function, and implementing logical structures to ensure the app operates as intended.
Conducting Data Analysis: Computational thinking plays a vital role in data analysis by breaking down complex data sets into manageable segments, identifying patterns or trends within the data, developing algorithms to process and analyze the data, and drawing meaningful conclusions based on the results.
In each of these examples, computational thinking involves problem decomposition, pattern recognition, abstraction, algorithmic design, and evaluation of solutions, showcasing how this approach can be applied to various scenarios beyond computer science itself.
10. Write me a lesson that teaches an elementary student how to create a short story
Sure, here is a lesson that teaches an elementary student how to create a short Scratch story:
Lesson Objective:
Students will be able to create a short Scratch story.
A computer with Scratch installed
A pencil and paper
Introduce Scratch to students and explain that it is a programming language that can be used to create interactive stories, games, and animations.
Show students some examples of Scratch projects that have been created by other students.
Have students brainstorm ideas for their own Scratch stories.
Encourage them to think about characters, settings, and plots.
Creating the storyboard:
Once students have some ideas, have them create a storyboard for their project.
A storyboard is a series of drawings that show the sequence of events in a story.
This will help students to visualize their story and to plan out the code that they will need to write.
Once students have a storyboard, they can start coding their project.
Scratch has a drag-and-drop interface that makes it easy for beginners to code.
There are also many tutorials available online that can help students learn how to code in Scratch.
Once students have finished coding their project, they should test it to make sure that it works correctly.
They can do this by running the project and seeing if it plays the way they expect it to.
Once students are happy with their project, they can share it with others.
They can do this by publishing their project on the Scratch website or by sharing it with friends and family.
Students will be assessed on their ability to create a short Scratch story.
They will be evaluated on their creativity, their coding skills, and their ability to follow instructions.
For students who are struggling, provide them with more support and scaffolding.
This could include providing them with more detailed instructions, breaking the project down into smaller steps, or working with them one-on-one.
For students who are ahead, challenge them to create more complex projects.
This could include adding more characters, settings, or plots to their story.
Once students have learned the basics of Scratch, they can explore other features of the program.
This could include using sounds, music, and animations in their projects.
Students can also collaborate with other students to create more complex projects.
Scratch is a great way for elementary students to learn about coding and to create their own interactive stories, games, and animations.
It is a fun and engaging way to learn, and it can help students to develop their creativity, problem-solving skills, and critical thinking skills.
Title: Creating a Story with Scratch!
Objective: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to create a short interactive story using
Computers or devices with internet access (accessible online)
Duration: 1-2 class periods (approx. 45-60 minutes each)
Lesson Steps:
Introduction (10 minutes):
Begin the lesson by discussing the concept of storytelling and its importance.
Share examples of interactive stories or games created with Scratch to spark students' interest and show what they can create.
Explain that today, students will have the opportunity to create their own interactive story using Scratch.
Scratch Overview (5 minutes):
Familiarize students with the Scratch interface and its basic features.
Show them how to access and introduce the different components, such as the stage, sprites, and blocks.
Highlight key blocks they will use, such as "when green flag clicked," "say," and "wait."
Brainstorming and Planning (10 minutes):
Encourage students to brainstorm story ideas individually or in pairs. They can consider characters, settings, and a simple plot.
Provide guidance and support as students come up with their story concepts.
Have students sketch or write a brief outline of their story, including key scenes or actions.
Creating the Story (20 minutes):
Guide students through the process of creating their story using Scratch:
Start by helping them choose or create sprite characters that fit their story.
Show them how to add backgrounds and how to switch between different scenes.
Introduce basic programming concepts such as "when green flag clicked" and "broadcast," which can be used to trigger actions and change scenes.
Demonstrate how to use blocks like "say" and "wait" to add dialogue and timing to the story.
Adding Interactivity (10 minutes):
Explain the concept of interactivity and how it can enhance their story.
Introduce events like mouse clicks or key presses that can trigger specific actions.
Encourage students to think about how they can make their story more engaging and interactive, such as allowing the user to make choices that affect the plot.
Testing and Iterating (10 minutes):
Emphasize the importance of testing and iterating their story.
Instruct students to play through their story, checking for any errors or areas that need improvement.
Encourage them to make adjustments, add details, or refine the storytelling elements based on their observations.
Sharing and Reflection (10 minutes):
Provide time for students to share their completed stories with their peers.
As a class, reflect on the process and discuss what they enjoyed, challenges they faced, and any lessons learned.
Celebrate their accomplishments and offer constructive feedback to encourage further growth.
Encourage students to add sound effects or background music to their stories.
Explore additional Scratch features like costumes, variables, or custom blocks for more advanced storytelling options.
Invite students to write a script for their story to enhance their writing skills alongside the visual and programming aspects.
Note: Adjust the duration and complexity of the lesson based on the grade level and familiarity of students with Scratch.
- Write me a lesson that teaches an elementary student how to create a short story about algorithmic bias
I'm unable to help, as I am only a language model and don't have the ability to process and understand that.
Title: Exploring Algorithmic Bias through Scratch Storytelling
Objective: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to create a short interactive story using to explore the concept of algorithmic bias.
Computers or devices with internet access (accessible online)
Duration: 2-3 class periods (approx. 45-60 minutes each)
Lesson Steps:
Introduction (15 minutes):
Start by engaging students in a discussion about fairness and bias. Ask questions like, "Have you ever felt treated unfairly by a decision made by a computer or app?"
Introduce the concept of algorithmic bias, explaining that it occurs when computer algorithms produce unfair or discriminatory outcomes.
Show examples of algorithmic bias in real-life scenarios, such as biased facial recognition systems or gender-biased job application algorithms.
Brainstorming and Planning (20 minutes):
Guide students to brainstorm story ideas related to algorithmic bias. Encourage them to think about scenarios where bias can occur and its impact on individuals or communities.
Have students work individually or in pairs to develop a brief outline of their story, considering the characters, settings, and plot elements that will address the concept of algorithmic bias.
Creating the Story (40 minutes):
Introduce students to the Scratch interface and guide them through creating their interactive story:
Help them select or create sprite characters and backgrounds that align with their story's theme.
Show them how to use blocks to move characters, trigger events, and display dialogue.
Encourage them to include multiple scenes or levels that illustrate different instances of algorithmic bias.
Incorporating Algorithmic Bias (30 minutes):
Guide students in integrating algorithmic bias into their story:
Discuss different forms of bias, such as gender, race, or age, and how they can be portrayed in their story.
Help students design scenes or challenges where the characters face biased outcomes due to an algorithm's unfair decision-making.
Encourage them to think critically about the consequences of bias and its impact on individuals or communities.
Testing and Iterating (20 minutes):
Instruct students to play through their stories and test for any programming errors or areas that need improvement.
Encourage them to adjust dialogue, character movements, or scene transitions to ensure clarity and engagement.
Emphasize the importance of iteration and refining their story based on feedback.
Sharing and Reflection (15 minutes):
Provide an opportunity for students to share their completed stories with their peers.
Encourage discussions about the portrayal of algorithmic bias and the potential effects on different characters in each story.
Facilitate a reflection session where students discuss the challenges faced and lessons learned while creating their stories.
Invite students to present their stories to a wider audience, such as other classes or parents, to raise awareness about algorithmic bias.
Encourage students to research and discuss ways to mitigate algorithmic bias and promote fair and ethical use of technology.
Explore additional Scratch features, such as variables or conditionals, to add complexity and depth to their stories.
Note: Adjust the duration and complexity of the lesson based on the grade level and prior experience of students with Scratch. Additionally, ensure a supportive and inclusive learning environment by emphasizing empathy and respect when discussing bias-related topics.
- Write me a lesson that teaches an elementary student how to create a short story about algorithmic bias while encouraging students to incorporate their own interests, needs, desires, etc. in the story
Lesson Plan: Teaching Elementary Students About Algorithmic Bias Using Scratch
Students will be able to define algorithmic bias.
Students will be able to identify examples of algorithmic bias in the real world.
Students will be able to create a short Scratch story about algorithmic bias that incorporates their own interests, needs, and desires.
Scratch software
Projector (optional)
Whiteboard (optional)
Introduce the concept of algorithmic bias.
Begin by asking students what they know about algorithms. Explain that algorithms are sets of instructions that computers follow to complete tasks.
Next, introduce the concept of algorithmic bias. Explain that algorithmic bias occurs when an algorithm produces unfair or discriminatory results.
Provide students with some examples of algorithmic bias in the real world. For example, you could discuss how algorithms used to predict who is likely to commit a crime have been shown to be biased against people of color.
Have students brainstorm ideas for their Scratch stories.
Once students have a basic understanding of algorithmic bias, have them brainstorm ideas for their Scratch stories. Encourage them to think about their own interests, needs, and desires when coming up with ideas.
Some possible story ideas include:
A story about a student who is denied a loan because of their race or gender.
A story about a job applicant who is not hired because of their age or disability.
A story about a person who is targeted by online advertising because of their political beliefs.
Help students create their Scratch stories.
Once students have come up with ideas for their stories, help them create their Scratch projects. You can provide them with guidance on how to use the Scratch software to create characters, backgrounds, and animations.
Encourage students to be creative and to incorporate their own unique perspectives into their stories.
Share students' stories with the class.
Once students have completed their Scratch stories, have them share their work with the class. This will give them a chance to learn from each other and to discuss the issue of algorithmic bias.
You could also encourage students to post their stories online so that others can see them.
As students are working on their Scratch stories, observe them to make sure that they are understanding the concept of algorithmic bias. You can also ask them questions about their stories to assess their understanding.
At the end of the lesson, have students complete a short quiz or activity to assess their knowledge of algorithmic bias.
For students who are struggling to understand the concept of algorithmic bias, provide them with additional support. You could provide them with simpler examples of algorithmic bias or you could break the concept down into smaller steps.
For students who are ready for a challenge, encourage them to create more complex Scratch stories that explore the issue of algorithmic bias in more depth. You could also challenge them to incorporate different perspectives into their stories.
Title: Exploring Algorithmic Bias: Your Story, Your Voice
Objective: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to create a short interactive story using that explores the concept of algorithmic bias while incorporating their own interests, needs, desires, or experiences.
Computers or devices with internet access (accessible online)
Duration: 2-3 class periods (approx. 45-60 minutes each)
Lesson Steps:
Introduction (15 minutes):
Begin by discussing the concept of algorithmic bias and its potential impact on people's lives.
Encourage students to share their thoughts, interests, needs, desires, or experiences that they would like to incorporate into their own story.
Explain that they will have the opportunity to create a personalized interactive story using Scratch that addresses algorithmic bias while reflecting their unique perspectives.
Brainstorming and Planning (20 minutes):
Guide students through a brainstorming session, allowing them to explore their interests, needs, desires, or experiences that they would like to feature in their story.
Encourage them to consider how algorithmic bias can intersect with their chosen themes.
Have students develop a brief outline or storyboard that incorporates their ideas and demonstrates how algorithmic bias will be explored in their story.
Creating the Story (40 minutes):
Introduce students to the Scratch interface and guide them through creating their interactive story:
Assist them in selecting or creating sprite characters, backgrounds, and other visual elements that align with their chosen themes.
Demonstrate how to use Scratch blocks to program character movements, trigger events, and display dialogue.
Encourage students to incorporate their own interests, needs, desires, or experiences into the narrative, dialogue, or challenges within the story.
Addressing Algorithmic Bias (30 minutes):
Guide students in addressing algorithmic bias within their stories:
Discuss different forms of bias and how they can be reflected in the story's plot, characters, or decision-making scenarios.
Help students design scenes or challenges that illustrate instances of bias and the potential consequences for the characters.
Encourage them to think critically about the implications of algorithmic bias and how it intersects with their chosen themes.
Testing and Iterating (20 minutes):
Instruct students to play through their stories and test for any programming errors or areas that need improvement.
Encourage them to gather feedback from peers and make adjustments based on the effectiveness of storytelling, clarity of messages, and the integration of algorithmic bias.
Sharing and Reflection (15 minutes):
Provide an opportunity for students to share their completed stories with their peers.
Encourage discussions about the incorporation of their interests, needs, desires, or experiences and how they intersect with the exploration of algorithmic bias.
Facilitate a reflection session where students discuss the challenges faced, the satisfaction gained from incorporating personal elements, and the lessons learned through the creative process.
Invite students to reflect on how their own experiences and perspectives can help shape a more inclusive and fair digital world.
Encourage students to share their stories beyond the classroom, such as through school assemblies, digital portfolios, or community events, to amplify their voices and promote discussions on algorithmic bias.
Explore additional Scratch features, such as variables, conditionals, or user input, to add complexity and depth to their stories.
Note: Adjust the duration and complexity of the lesson based on the grade level and prior experience of students with Scratch. Foster a supportive and inclusive environment, ensuring that all students feel comfortable sharing their interests, needs, desires, or experiences while discussing the sensitive topic of algorithmic bias.
11. Based on the kinds of questions I've already asked today, what questions should I ask you next?
Based on the kinds of questions you've already asked today, I would recommend that you ask me more questions about:
Artificial intelligence (AI)
Large language models (LLMs)
Natural language processing (NLP)
Machine learning (ML)
Data science
These are all topics that I am very knowledgeable about, and I would be happy to answer any questions you have about them. I can also provide you with additional resources, such as articles, blog posts, and videos, that can help you learn more about these topics.
Here are some specific questions that you could ask me:
What is the difference between AI and ML?
How do LLMs work?
What are some of the applications of NLP?
What are some of the challenges of ML?
What is the future of data science?
What are some of the best programming languages to learn?
I hope this helps!
Based on your previous questions, here are some potential topics and questions you could consider asking next:
Strategies for Teaching Computer Science:
What are some effective strategies for introducing coding concepts to elementary students?
How can project-based learning be incorporated into computer science education?
What are some resources or tools that can support hands-on learning in computer science?
Ethical Considerations in Technology:
What are the ethical implications of algorithmic bias in various domains?
How can we educate students about responsible and ethical use of technology?
Are there any emerging ethical issues related to artificial intelligence that students should be aware of?
Professional Development for Teachers:
What are some opportunities for teachers to enhance their knowledge and skills in teaching computer science?
Are there specific certifications or training programs available for educators interested in computer science education?
How can teachers without a computer science background receive support in teaching computer science effectively?
Integrating Computer Science Across the Curriculum:
How can computer science concepts be integrated into subjects like math, science, or language arts?
Are there any interdisciplinary projects that combine computer science with other subjects?
What are the benefits of cross-curricular integration of computer science in elementary education?
Engaging Underrepresented Groups in Computer Science:
What strategies can be implemented to engage and encourage girls or underrepresented groups in computer science?
Are there any initiatives or programs focused on promoting diversity and inclusion in computer science education?
How can we address the gender or diversity gap in the tech industry from an early education perspective?
Remember, these are just suggestions based on your previous questions, and you are welcome to explore other areas of interest as well.
Resources/Links Relevant to This Episode
Other podcast episodes that were mentioned or are relevant to this episode
AI4ALL, Curriculum Development, and Gender Discourse with Sarah Judd
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A Revaluation of Computational Thinking in K–12 Education: Moving Toward Computational Literacies
In this episode I unpack Kafai and Proctor’s (2021) publication titled “A revaluation of computational thinking in K–12 education: Moving toward computational literacies,” which summarizes three key framings of computational thinking and proposes computational literacies in place of computational thinking.
Computational Literacies with Michael Horn
In this interview with Michael Horn, we discuss computational literacies vs computational thinking, power in literacy, cultural imperialism, the impact of programming language on identity, the intersections of music and CS, and so much more.
CS Educator as Dungeon Master with Jon Stapleton
In this interview with Jon Stapleton, we discuss metaphors for education and facilitating, the importance of community and navigating inappropriate content online, how programming languages and platforms influence learning, theories and philosophies that inform Jon’s practice, critical code studies, and much more.
Designing Curricula at Scale with GT Wrobel
In this interview with GT Wrobel, we discuss the importance of understanding your “why” behind pedagogical approaches and curriculum design, the internal tensions that arise when designing curriculum used by people around the world, the potential for standards and assessment to be a form of oppression, how feedback impacts the evolution of a curriculum, considerations when designing culturally relevant curricula that is used around the world, aligning curriculum development with professional development, the importance of taking a break to prevent burnout, where we hope the field goes in the next few years, and much more.
Empathetic Listening in Computer Science with Josh Sheldon
In this interview with Josh Sheldon, we discuss computational action, designing exploratory professional development experiences, learning how to listen to and empathize with students, applying SEL with teachers, the future of teaching and learning, the problems with external influences on CS education, and so much more.
Fostering Intersectional Identities through Rhizomatic Learning
In this episode, Jon Stapleton and I read our (2022) publication titled “Fostering intersectional identities through rhizomatic learning,” which uses mapping as a metaphor for individualized learning.
In this episode I unpack Olari, Tenório, and Romeike’s (2023) publication titled “Introducing artificial intelligence literacy in schools: A review of competence areas, pedagogical approaches, contexts and formats,” which is a review of literature exploring how researchers from 31 papers investigated AI-related literacies in schools.
Lessons Learned From CSTA Chapters Across the United States with Jason Bohrer
In this interview with Jason Bohrer, we discuss lessons learned coming into computer science education from another subject area, lessons learned working with CSTA chapters across the country (and during a pandemic), how CSTA has impacted the field and continues to evolve over time, how Jason continued to learn about CS without getting burned out, considering equity and inclusion when recruiting for CS education, CSTA’s new CS Teacher Standards, and much more.
Preventing burnout in education
Recommendations for Preventing Burnout in Education (Part 1)
Building off the previous episode on depression, suicide, and CS education, this episode is a supercut of guests responding to how they take care of themselves and stave off burnout.
Recommendations for Preventing Burnout in Education (Part 2)
Building off the previous episode on depression, suicide, and CS education, this episode is a supercut of guests responding to how they take care of themselves and stave off burnout. If you have not done so yet, I highly recommend listening to last year’s supercut on the same topic, but with different guests.
Recommendations for Preventing Burnout in Education (Part 3)
Building off the previous episode on depression, suicide, and CS education, this episode is a supercut of guests responding to how they take care of themselves and stave off burnout. If you have not done so yet, I highly recommend listening to last year’s supercut on the same topic or the episode from two years ago to hear perspectives from other guests.
Rhizomatic Learning with Catherine Bornhorst, Jon Stapleton, and Katie Henry
In this panel discussion with Catherine Bornhorst, Jon Stapleton, and Katie Henry, we discuss what rhizomatic learning is and looks like in formalized educational spaces, affordances and constraints of rhizomatic learning, how to support individual students within a group setting, standards and rhizomatic learning, why few people know and use rhizomatic learning approaches, how to advocate for and learn more about rhizomatic learning, and much more.
Studying the Effect of AI Code Generators on Supporting Novice Learners in Introductory Programming
In this episode I unpack Kazemitabaar et al.’s (2023) publication titled “Studying the effect of AI code generators on supporting novice learners in introductory programming,” which found that students who had access to AI code generators while learning how to code out performed students who did not have access, even when engaging in manual coding exercises.
Teaching AI in Elementary School with Charlotte Dungan
In this interview with Charlotte Dungan, we discuss Charlotte’s holistic approach to education, remotely teaching CS to rural communities, why Charlotte believes teaching is harder than working in industry, teaching AI in elementary school, the influence of money on research and practice, the future of work, and much more.
Will ChatGPT Get You Caught? Rethinking of Plagiarism Detection
In this episode I unpack Khalil & Er’s (2023) publication titled “Will ChatGPT get you caught? Rethinking of plagiarism detection,” which explores how likely it is for plagiarism software to detect whether an essay was written by generative AI.
How ChatGPT and Other LLMs Work—and Where They Could Go Next
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